Chapter 52

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So today's the day of court and It's six am which peed me of. I weren't going to wake anyone as it was too early so I decided to catch a shower and to get ready, I need to look like they didn't break me and that I'm fighting strong. Anyway I've just got in the shower and washed my hair, I thought I'd stay in the water longer as it is early so I might aswell. I got out about ten minuites later, I quickly dried of and put on the clothes I'm wearing for court. As I entered the room harry was starting to wake up, he heard me and he sat up wide awake.

"Where'd you go" he asked.

"Shower why" I asked back.

"Just wondering" he chuckled.

"Okay" I said bending to his height and kissing his cheek.

"You look beautiful today" he told me with a grin.

"Thankyou" I said smiling.

"No problem, what's the time" he asked while I sat on the bed. I grabbed my phone of the side and it was 8:00am.

"It's eight" I told him.

"Toooo early" he groaned while falling back on the pillow, I just laughed to myself.

"Why are you laughing at me" he fake cried.

"No reason" I smirked.

"Tell me" he said sitting up.

"Nothing Harold just get out of bed" I smiled.

"In a minuite" he cried.

"Don't blame me if you don't have enough time" I shrugged.

"Fine, shall we go wake everyone" he slashed.

"Sure" I nodded and he took my hand in his and made our way downstairs, everyone was sleeping, I really don't want to wake them.

"Wake them one by one" harry suggested.

"Wake Louis last" I laughed.

"Why" he raised his brow.

"Otherwise he'll scream and wake everyone" I laughed.

"Oh right" he smiled. He made his way to Liam and I made my way to Niall and harper.

"LIAM" harry yelled.

"Harry shut it" dani said sleepily.

"Well done harry"

"WAKE UP EVERYONE!" harry shouted and everyone shot up awake and as I said Louis screamed his lungs out.

"Why did you wake us up" Niall frowned.

"Sorry everyone, harry and I was meant to wake you up individually but he had other ideas" I appoligized and everyone accepted it.

One hour later.

"It's nine guys" I shouted from the kitchen, everyone was rushing around as we had to leave in half an hour to get to the court on time.

"Izzy how comes your ready" Perrie shouted from upstairs.

"Because I was up at like six" I yelled back.

"Okay" she replied.

"Is anyone ready" I shouted, the boys were round Harry's getting ready and the girls are here.

All I got was 'no's' from harper, Eleanor, dani and Perrie. God I wonder if were going to be able to leave on time. I decided to text harry to pass the time.


Hey you or the boys ready yet? I'm the only one ready.. X


Hey, me Niall and Liam are ready :) the other two are just about ready xx


Alright,come round when your all ready please xxx


Okay we will, I love you loads izzy!!!!<3

Aww that text made me smile I quickly sent a text before checking on the girls.


I love you loads aswell, just want to thank you, I don't think I could've done this without my amazing Harold. Xxx

I set my phone in my pocket and made my way to the living room. I was shocked. All four girls were sitting on the sofa ready,before the boys and it's only 9:15.

"I'm impressed" I smiled at them.

"HEY!" They all yelled and I laughed. I quickly pulled my phone out and have harry a quick text. But he already replied to my last text.


I love you with all my heart, your my life now iz, I hope you know that, I can never loose you again. Xxxxx


Your my life too, couldn't live without you. Btw the girls are all ready so come round please. I miss you! Xx


On our way beautiful.xx

I just cracked the biggest smile and the fireworks were going full blast in my stomach, this was an amazing feeling. The boys knocked on the door and I ran to It, they all stood there looking very smart and harry looking very hot. They all dressed in black suits for some reason, but it looked good so I weren't going to complain. The boys all gave a hug to me for good luck and then made there way to there girlfriends whilst me and harry were standing at the door.

"Come here" he said opening his arms,I didn't think twice I just went in them and inhaled his scent while leaning my head to his chest.

"Are you alright love" he asked looking down where I was at his chest.

"Yeah" I sniffed, okay I was crying, I was so scared.

"No your not" he said pulling apart and pushing my chin up lightly with his hand.

"Babe your going to do fine, if it gets to much a police officer will take the stand for you, okay" he said giving me a smile.

"Alright" I said and he pulled me onto his lips, we shared a very deep and passionate kiss, when we pulled away we just cuddled again, until the car pulled up which sent my heart raising again. I'm way too scared.

"Guys, the car Is here" harry yelled to everyone. My mum wanted to be here but my nan was very unwell so I told her to go there with Alice.

"Okay" they all yelled and we made our way to a massive black limo. WOAH.

As we got into the limosine my nerves were going all over the place,this was way too soon, I can't do it. I can do it. I have to get them locked up.

We were silent on the ride to the court we made a little small talk but then it fell back to silence, I just cuddled up to harry wanting this to all go away.

"Babe were here" harry whispered. Wait did I fall asleep. C'mon.

"Did I-" before I could finish everyone was nodding so i did fall asleep. Really?

We made our way in the court house and me and harry went to front desk to see what's going to happen. I had the best lawyer so I shouldn't be worrying.

"Hello,I'm izzy maxin, wondering on the order of both sentences" I asked the man at the desk.

"Okay, first is Rachel and then bob, they will be held in the same room but not together, the first one starts in five minuits so I would hurry,good luck"

"Thanks" i replied.

"Guys time to go in" I told them all.

We all made our way to a court room where we were guided and went inside. Wow,this room is huge.

"Please rise for the judge" a man with a wig shouted as the judge entered. We all sat down when he was seated.

"Today we will be questioning and sentencing two kidnappers, is miss maxin present" the judge asked.

"Yes" I said standing up.

"Thankyou,miss Sult please enter" then I saw that evil bitch, this bitch was going down.

(Sorry it's not that big as had no time to write it as been very busy today, I will try to double update tonight if not it will be posted some time tomorrow!! Thankyou for reading!!)

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