Chapter 4

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So it's the morning and I had a massive nightmare about that message and what happened next. I was pooing myself when I saw it. I have a stalker.

When my little sister heard me in the night she had to wake me, it took her a while as she ended up jumping on my stomach, that's how I woke up. She climbed into my bed and we both fell sound asleep.

Now I'm awake I just want it to get out of my thoughts. It wasn't a very nice dream, they stalked me every hour of everyday until I finally gave up. But it was all a dream nothing more. They will probley leave me alone, might of just been a joke or a dare someone played. Well it wasn't funny and now I can't get it out of my mind.

Crap 7:50am I need to get ready in 10 minuites for school. Should I play ill and not go in or should I stay strong and go in. Well this is my career I'm depending on so I decided to go in as I need all the education I could get to do the job I wanted to do, yes I want to be a full time child carer. I just love children and think it will be great for my future.

8am crap. Just need to do my hair. Il do it in the car. Imogen's here.

As I ran down the stairs and out the door I realised what was down the road. The white van. Poo.

I got in Imogen's car with just a simple hi and she took of. Please don't follow. Please don't follow. As I looked into the mirror the white van started to move. Yes it was following me. Crap now time to panic.

I turned to Imogen and she had the same expression as me. "Izzy is that the same--" she didn't get to finish as I cut her off "yep" popping the 'p'. Imogen put her foot down and by no time we reached our collage. Thank Christ, no they can reach me. I just had to get through this day.

*maths class*

*ouch that hurt* someone just threw something at my head! My poor head. Enough now what's this piece of paper hmm. As I uncrimpled it I was shocked, it was a note in pink fancy writing. 'Hands off harry he's mine, carry on and well you don't want to know the rest :*' bloody cheek. I looked around the class to see who had the pink pen. And as I guessed it was Rachel the most popular one in school. Jealousy really. It won't get her no where.

*end of the day*

As Imogen left early I have to walk home. I hate walking! So I started I walk as quickly as I could. Finally I could see my house. I couldn't bear it I just ran to my door and slammed it shut, what a bad day. Why does it happen to me.

3 hours later.

So I have just been relaxing, texting harry non stop. He is really starting to worry about that message but I told him not to. I have great news though, in 2 days time he'll be coming home for 2 weeks, my birthday is a week today so it's a great even more. Finally I get to see my bestfriend for the first time in about 3 months. Wow how I have missed him. It has been different without him. So I decided to give him a call after about 5 rings it went to answer phone. Maybe he's busy. Oh poo he did tell me he was in an interview live on radio 1. As soon as the thought popped in my head I switched the radio on and heard my favourite boys.

"so harry" the interview person asked, " who's this lady who we've all been seeing on the magazines" wow did he really just ask harry that. "well she's my bestfriend, nothing more than that" i could just imagine harrys face when the man asked that question. I was happy with Harry's answer hopefully everyone would just forget about it now. 

about an hour after the interview finished they done a one direction song marathon which i was very happy about. Twitter was going insane with sorry's to me and harry for beliving the rumours. I just let it go, what else could i do.

Oh wow have i really been on this laptop for 2 hours straight, i think i'm just happy with all the nice tweets i'm getting. Well that happiness soon came to an end when my phone started to ring.

 Caller ID- Unknown Number. Well that didn't last did it.

Well there's chapter 4. what's going to happen next????

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