Chapter 53

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There she was smugly walking in the court with her hands behind her back and two police officers behind her walking her in.

"Miss Sult, please take the right stand, miss maxin the left,thankyou" the judge said.

I took my place in the left stand and was dreading what was coming, loads of questions.

"Miss maxin please answer in short simple answers if necessary go in as much detail as possible" I nodded and was ready for this.

"Did miss Sult physically hurt you" the judge questions.

"Yes she did, once at the place of the kidnapp and again at the shopping centre" I answred honestly.

"Did miss Sult mention any relation to any of the men" the judge asked even though he knew.

"Yes she did at the shopping centre"

"Who did she say that she had relation with" the judge asked.

"Bob, she said bob was her uncle, she was about to say something about kirk but she realised she said to much" I slowly said so they could process my words.

"Miss maxin, at the location of the kidnap could you tell me what day she was there" the judge asked.

"I'm sorry I don't remember, I was getting hit and kicked quite alot so it's hard to remember" I said truth ally and the judge looked happy.

"Thankyou miss maxin, please stay in the stand while we question miss Sult" great here comes the lies she's going to tell.

"Miss Sult, did you physically harm miss maxin"

"Yes I did,she deserved it" she smugly said.

"You are making this worse for yourself miss Sult, what relation do you have with bob" the judged asked.

"As that skum said he's my uncle" I could see the judge going red in the face, you should never treat a judge this way.

"How did you get people to help kidnapp miss maxin" he asked.

"Well it's easy you know, you tell your family what a bitch she is, my uncle then stood in and got a few mates then it happened, I didn't know where they was at first but then I found out,that's a few days before we got caught with that skum" she said furious.

"Miss sult!" The judge shouted banging his hammer. I glanced over at everyone for the first time they all had worried expressions on there faces I must have too.

"Yes" she said back.

"That is anough" the judge said, the police took Rachel to a box in the corner of the room until it was time for the sentence.

"Okay, please take a break, thankyou miss maxin,we will now decide our verdict" the judge said whilst standing and exeting the room with everyone Else. Me,the girls and the boys made our way outside and sat in the waiting room.

They all were staring at me with smiles.

"What" I questioned.

"You did great" el and Perrie said together and everyone nodded.

"Thanks I just want to know if she'll be sentenced or let go" I told them.

"She will" everyone said.

"Okay" after that we just sat in silence waiting to go in. It's been half an hour already.

"Okay would you please come back in" a lady came out of the court room and told us so we followed, I got told to sit with everyone as they are sentencing.

"Okay miss Sult you have been charged on the kidnapp of izzy maxin, I sentence you to six year in the women's prison" and he banged his hammer and dismissed her.

"Okay bob will be questioned now" my lawyer wispered in my ear and I nodded.

"Miss maxin please could you take the left stand" the judge spoke and I stood to take the stand again.

Bob entered the room he looked worried,so he should be.

"Okay miss maxin, could you answer questions in much detail this time" te judge told me. I nodded and he went ahead with the questions.

"Miss maxin, did bob assault you in anyway" the judge asked.

"Yes he did, he punched and kicked my whole body, it was painful, he would act nice then nasty" I told him.

"Did bob sexually harm you" he asked.

"No he didn't, kirk did" I told truth ally.

"Did bob or kirk feed you atall"

"Sometimes, I got a piece of bread and some water, I think Christmas Day they gave me something else but I can't remember" I told truth ally.

"Okay, bob did you physically harm miss maxin" the judge asked.

"Yes I did" he spoke truth ally.

"Did you receive anything for the kidnap"

"Yes, me and kirk both recieved alot of money from my niece, who I've heard has been held" he spoke.

"I cannot speak of miss Sult, how much money did you receive"he asked.

"We recieved about one hundred thousand" he said with a frown.

"What was you planning to do to miss maxin before the rescue" he asked.

"I can't remember, it was kirk who made the decisions" he said truthfully again.

"Miss maxin please, go take a seat with your friends" he could see that I was crying. I went to sit with everyone and harry patted the space next to him. I sat down and harry put his arm around my waist.

"Bob do you know where kirk is" the judge asked very serious.

Bob gulped and spoke up "I do, but I don't know if he will still be there, I would like him and I to be locked up as miss maxin did not deserve it" bob spoke truth ally.

"Where is kirk" he asked

"Okay I only heard that he was staying at a motel close by if we got caught" bob spoke.

"Okay get the police out please" the judge spoke to someone and dismissed them.

Half an hour later.

"Bob I have made your sentence" the judge spoke.

"I sentence you for the kidnapp of izzy maxin, physical harm and voilence,abuse and accepting money for the kidnapp. I sentence you to twenty years in prison. My mouth dropped I didn't expect that much.

As we all left the room everyone was cheering,I couldn't believe they both got long sentencing. I was happy they were both being locked up.

"I'm just popping to the loo" I told everyone.

"Okay" they all replied.

As I made my way to the toilet harper said she needed to go aswell.

"It went really well izzy"

"I know" I smiled at her.

Once I done my buisness me and harper joined the others.

"Do you think they will find kirk" I wispered to harry.

Just as he was about to ryply Louis beat him to it,how did he hear.

"I think they will and he will go down"Louis replied.

"Alright Lou thanks" I told him and we went to the limo and headed home.

(As promised a update today!! Enjoy!)

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