Sans x Reader: Art Club and Chill?

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((Just a little random thing, but that image up there? That's something that me and my friends actually did to our art room at school earlier this week. Our teacher had Art Club get together to repaint the whole room. It was fun, and we're not even done yet. The tree is going to be a zentangle. So, this oneshot will probably be based off of that night that we had this week. X3 ))

"...And I need the Art Club students to stay in my room when the bell rings this evening. We have a meeting tonight, and after that we'll be painting. Be sure you let your guardians know that you'll be staying after school for a couple of hours." Your art teacher, Mrs. Honeycutt, told the class as they stood to go to third period. You were honestly excited about the meeting this evening. You LOVED art. You lived it, breathed it, and couldn't survive without it. It was honestly ridiculous how obsessed with it you were. But you didn't care.

A little bit of information you may need to know. You were an average/slightly unaverage student in high school, and the Secretary of the Art Club, meaning you just wrote what business went down at each meeting. It was almost the end of your school year, and you were a little bit sad of that fact. You actually really liked your teachers this year, Mrs. Honeycutt especially. She was like a sister to you. A big, silly, immature and creative sister.

Shaking your head, you cleared your thoughts and went to your next class, smiling at the monsters you passed in the hall. You heard me right. This school was for humans and monsters alike. Most of the human teenagers weren't happy about that, but you personally didn't care. The monsters you had met were all kind so far, and you were the kind of person who judged people on their PERSONALITY, not their race or gender or whatever. You hated people who did that. It was awful to think how hard the new students must be having it with all the bullies. You had already stopped five fights before they could start between humans and monsters, and all of those times, it was the human who started the fight.

*le time skip cause I'm lazy*

With a tiny sigh, you walked into the art room for the second time that day, setting your school bag off to the side and securing your headphones around your neck. You had THOUGHT today would be a good day.

Until your boyfriend of three years dumped you because he wanted tail and you wouldn't give it to him.

And as much as you hated yourself for it, you still liked him, despite the forceful way that he had treated you when you refused his advances earlier. Thank goodness a teacher had caught him before anything could happen. Turning on your music, you simply waited for everyone else to arrive as you began writing the beginning information of the meeting in your notebook. What the club would be doing, how long the meeting would last, and so on.

When people began arriving, you took attendance; there was Marcie, Angel, Jacob, Morgan, (Female Friend's Name), Parker, Daniel, Darrien, Shalyn, Sans, Muffet, your friend Emily, Mettaton, Alphys, and Monster Kid. At least, that's what everyone called him. As you could see, almost all of the monster students were afraid to join the Art Club due to the mass of human students in it. But most of the members were accepting of their monster comrades.

Eventually, Mrs. Honeycutt started the meeting, and you wrote what was to be arranged for future meetings.

Your friend, Morgan, was the club President, so he ran things as the Vice President, your friend (Female Friend's Name), got out the paint supply. When it was time to get to work, your music simply went on full blast and you slid your headphones on tightly, beginning the outline of the tree that Mrs. Honey wanted done on the back wall.

You felt the eyes of your friends burning into the back of your head. All of them; Mettaton, Alphys, Morgan, (Female Friend's Name), Daniel, Emily, Muffet, Darrien, even Mrs. Honeycutt. They were worried about you, but said nothing. They knew it was best to let you be alone for now, for you were never good at telling people how you felt.

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