Sans x Android! Reader: Clash Of The Clans

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((More like VS. Sans. Anyways! In this little bit, you are a member of the Ghostie family, yay!

Also, notice how your theme, the above video, is a remix of Death By Glamour. This is because of your sibling-like relationship with Metta, and your love of your relative Napstablook's remixes. Get me? Got me? Good.))

"You only need to apologize, my man! That will end this all! You know that you're in the wrong here!" You yelled at the short skeleton across the room, standing straight with a cocky smirk on your robotic lips.

"Never, fancy-bot. It was for my brother. I was in the right." Came the skeleton's response as he snapped his boney fingers, many levitating bones materializing around him.

"You punched MY brother for the sake of protecting YOUR brother. See how this contradicts? 'Cause I do. Look, Sans, you and I are alike in the one respect of wanting to protect our siblings. In this particular scenario, you're the flawed one. You could have talked things out with both Papyrus and Metta to solve this, but instead, you- -"

"Ah, shut up, you pacifist. Sometimes fighting is all you can do. You of all people should know that, after what you did to Asgore. You beat him to an inch of his life when you were still human, then at the last minute you tried to spare him. And here you are. A human Soul inside a tin can. The only option you had was to fight then.'s funny, really. You- -"

"You know I had no choice. I wanted to spare him. To solve everybody's problems without any dust being spread. I did just that. YOU had a choice in this, unlike me. You had the choice, and you chose to hurt my brother." You growled, your smirk now a scowl. You hated talking about your past. About how your Soul had made it's way into this new body.

A chilling low chuckle filled the room. "He isn't your brother, kid. He's a ghost, you're human. No matter how much you want to act or believe otherwise. You're a fallen human who failed just like all the others before you. The only difference is you made friends with everyone and actually got us all to the surface. But you're still a freak up here, aren't you? When you fell, you told your friends, including myself, about how you had come to the Underground in the first place. You were a freak in your home. You wanted to escape. Then we got up here again. You thought it would be different. But what you didn't take into consideration is your new form. How the humans would view you. You're an introvert who's hiding inside of a trashcan that makes you ashamed of your own existence. This has gone on long enough, don't you think, kid? Let's end it."

You stood there, frozen. Eyes wide, face in an unreadable expression. Now THAT hurt....that was savage. You hardly managed to regather yourself in order to talk again.

"We used to be friends, Sans. We all did. And we've let our drive to protect the ones we love destroy that bond. One form of love demolished another form of love. What have we done???" Your voice wavered at the last sentence, the little heart-area in your chestplate aching under your shirt. This was unbearable. You used to like Sans. You liked him as more than a friend. But then Metta and Paps got together and Sans' treatment to the movie star robot drove you to this point. It hurt. It hurt so much....

Sans seemed to be a little tense, his hands in his pockets and his smile faltered. He felt it too. The love. The hurt. The desire to fix this all. Maybe he had been foolish.....

The silence that had fallen over you two was broken by another stream of chuckles, however these were soft, half-hearted, and filled with pain and irony. Your eyes locked with the sockets across the room, a feeling of unease in your mechanical gut.

"....Funny, isn't it kid?" Sans asked when his laughs stopped. "Looks like both of the skele-brothers fell for robotic tin cans. Heh heh heh....and that's the very thing that started this hateful scene....I am so sorry, kid....I can't believe I said all of that....."

"......Forgive me......"

((That was rushed and terrible. I am so, so sorry. Bye for now, Bombshell Beauties.))

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