Napstabot x Reader: Just Let Me Try (Part Two)

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((This is gonna be hard to write out the way I want....

This story has some mild language, people! Warning you now!))

Reader-Chan's P.O.V.

There were so many people here. I was amazed people weren't falling off the roof as packed as it was. Napsta was up at his stand, blaring beats that made me want to tap my feet like nothing else, but I was busy fixing the last few decorations that I had placed on the front of the stage. It was hard to do in the dark of Halloween night.

Honestly, Halloween is my favorite time of the year; pumpkin flavor everything, cool decorations, you can scare everyone without being mean, and my by far favorite thing is the costumes. I LOVE dressing up for Halloween. This year's outfit would easily be my best, no competition whatsoever. Why??? Because this year was the first year I got to do couple costumes. The first year Napsta and I were together, we were still in the Underground, so....yeah. Heh heh...

But, hey! This year made up for that! Seriously, it was adorable. Well.....HE was adorable. What with the grey-and-blue striped Cheshire cat ears and tail he has on and all. He hated it at first, blushing like a maniac and stuttering about how he didn't want to look cute while he was performing, but when I told him I would be in matching grey-and-pink Cheshire cat tail and ears, he agreed to do it to make me happy. That sweetie.

I was smiling softly now as I worked on a little ghost sticker that had come loose when someone bumped into me with a pretty good amount of force. I wasn't mad, though. This place was crowded, it was bound to happen a lot. I was turning around to apologize out of instinct, but when I saw who it was who had bumped me, I froze to the core.

"Hey, watch it, you little - -.....Oh my God, is that you, (Your Name)?!" A male voice made your body shrink to an even smaller height, your nerves shaking all of a sudden as memories came back. Oh no, not here. Not here not here not here not here.......

Yep. It was him. This was happening.

"Holy crap, it is (Your Name)! Guys, look! It's the pipsqueak! Still puny as ever!" The man nudged someone behind him roughly, never looking away from you with a smile that would make an alligator cry. Three other men turned around at the call of their friend, only to laugh and grin at the sight of you. You wanted to run, but couldn't find the strength....

"Aww, look at that, Kaito, you've gone and scared her. Don't worry, (Your Name), we've all changed. We've realized the error of our ways and what we did to you. We can be mature now, we've all grown up. Well..... almost all of us!" One of them slunk an arm around your shoulder, having to bend a little to do so as he laughed loudly, his friends joining in.

"Hey, Tiny! You still have problems opening the door for yourself? Those little arms gotta be like twigs, huh?!"

"Bet she can't even bench ten pounds!"

"Of course not, she's still the weak little shit she used to be! Remember when we beat her to dust that summer at the home?"

More and more derogatory comments were launched at you by the very same people who gave you a hard time at the orphanage, all of them laughing and smiling as if it was a family reunion. You hated them. You hated this. You wanted to get away, to run and get away and never see them again. were older now. You had trained, you were an ambassador, you liberated a whole civilization for crying out loud!!! You could stand up for yourself!

"Actually, Neanderthal, I've changed quiet a bit over the years." You seethed, fighting down the stutter in your voice. The men all looked at you, seeming disbelieving. The head of the group, Kaito, chuckled. "Prove it, bitch." He hissed with a laugh, staring you down with narrowed eyes.

The others all backed away, forming a semicircle that trapped you against the stage as everyone else kept on dancing. Kaito towered over you, and his buddies all shouted encouragement as he popped his neck. Shaking a little, you gave yourself a mental peptalk, knowing what was about to happen.

Remember what Undyne taught you, remember what Undyne taught you, come on, you can do this....

Back against the stage, you looked up at the man who was now preparing to rear back a fist the size of your face, ready for a battle that would prove yourself strong.

Suddenly, a hand yanked you up onto the stage, and Kaito had delved his fist into thin air, looking up as confused as you were to see what had happened.

Napstabot had tugged you up onto the stage with him, smiling like a child as he began to dance with you merrily to the beat. By the way he was acting, you were a little relieved he hadn't seen what was about to happen. You began to get into it, smiling along with him as you two put on a show for the dancing crowd, the beat making your bodies sway and jig as your tails both wiggled with your movements. You were a laughing mess by the end of the night. Apparently you and Napsta were very good swing dancers~!

This is gonna be a feelsie story, I'm telling you all now. I'm having fun with it. Bye for now, Bombshell Beauties! I'll probably keep on updating cause it's still pretty early in the day where I am!))

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