Grillby x Reader: Someone Who Listens

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((Eeyup. The bartender. Cause he's awesome. Let's do this!))

You sat at the bar of Grillby's, head rested on the top of the wooden counter that was polished to perfection. Not a single splinter tainted its smoothness. It was actually one of the best of the Grillby bars that had become popular on the surface. Once monsters made their start up top, things simply took off. And Grillby had become quite the well-known working man.

Your eyes were glazed over, you having been lost in thought about....well, everything. Things had just been a bit too much for you lately. Just, life in general, it was pilling up on you, taking over every thought in your brain.

Your classes, they were all going overboard with assignments, due dates not spanning any further than ONE WEEK or less.

Your rent was due, but you had been fired this week for being late, so you didn't have enough money to pay it.

Your family was starting to fall apart, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't calm their arguments and fights.

It might just be that you were easily stressed, or something like that, but still yet. Your problems were legit and they tore at your soul. Hence the reason you were here now, simply thinking. This was, believe it or not, the first time in quite awhile that you had been able to just stop and THINK. It was a rarity for you.

You payed no attention to the world around you, head resting on your folded arms as the other beings in the bar simply enjoyed themselves. Monsters and humans alike. The thought usually brought a smile to your face, but not today. You didn't smile about anything. Your brain was too busy trying to come up with a solution to your problems. It was so occupied, in fact, that you didn't even notice a warm presence across from you. The person spoke, pulling you from your thoughts by simply asking you what you wanted to order.

"Oh, um....Just a beer, please." You replied calmly, fearing that the Fire Monster known as Grillby would make you leave if you just sat around and took up space without paying for something. To be honest, you never really drank things like beer,, you're brain said screw it. Grillby seemed a little uneasy with the thought of serving you the drink, but he did his job, nonetheless. You came here several times prior with Sans, one of your very good friends, so the dapper bartender knew you on a decent basis. He would personally even say you were good acquaintances. But that may just be his kind nature of hoping he was considered such. Sliding the drink across the counter to you, the man made of flame gave you what would have been a concerned look. "(Your Name)...are you alright? You never drink." He stated what you had thought, cleaning a shotglass with a white cloth. You took a sip of the liquid that was foreign to your mouth, fighting down a grimace at it's flavor. You kept drinking it, nonetheless.

"Yeah, I'm...I'm good." You lied half-heartedly. But Grillby could see straight through you. Call it a father's intuition. He could tell with these kinds of things. Placing the glass and cloth down, Grillby leaned against the counter, and you backed away a little in your seat with unease. "Tell me the truth, please. What are friends for if not to help?"

Those seemed to be the magic words that opened the gates, because you began to spout everything. All of your problems. Everything that had been piling up just came tumbling down, and you just let it. Time seemed to vanish to you as you spoke as though you were in a therapy session, and the firey man across from you stayed silent, listening intently and awaiting for your finish. Soon enough, you were done, laying there with one hand grasping your glass and head rested on your other arm, face down. A sigh left your lips, your shoulders heaving along with it. "I just don't know anymore..." Was your closing line, wrapping up everything in a lovely bundle of 'kill me now'.

Grillby tilted his head a little, feeling a pang in his chest for your state. You were always so upbeat when you came in with the eldest of the skeleton brothers. It was odd seeing you like this. "It sounds to me," the man began. "like you simply need to take a break from everything. Quit focusing on all of your problems, take a day for yourself to collect all of your thoughts. Just relax."

Grillby's advice made your stop for a moment, thinking over what he said. How would that help, though? You needed to solve your issues, didn't you??? But...He was right, wasn't he? You were worrying too much, stressing more than necessary. You needed a breather.

"You're right...Thank you, Grillby. It really helped to know someone cared to listen. You're a nice man." You said to him, lifting your head and giving him a smile as you sat up straight. If he had lips, the flaming man would be smiling as well. "Thank you. I'm glad to see your feeling better....because it's closing time." He said in a small chuckle. "What!?!" You exclaimed in response. Checking the clock, you saw that he was right. You're rant had taken that long????? You were a blushing mess by now, clutching your hair in embarrassment. "I am so sorry, I didn't realize it was so late! Oh, I've kept you here longer than you should have been. I'm so, so sorry!"

Grillby laughed lightly at your flustered actions, his flames seeming to dance as he walked out from behind the counter. "It's quite alright, (Your Name). I'm happy to help a comrade." He said in a tone that seemed to calm you instantly, placing a hand on your shoulder. It didn't burn, to your amazement. It was more of a comforting warmth than a painful burn. "And if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can always come to me. Okay?"

With a tiny blush, you gave a nod. "Okay." You said.

((Whoo! I'm lazy! This took WAY longer than it should have and it sucks! Yay! I most likely will do more with Grillbz in the future. As for now, inspiration hates me and says "Nope, f u, I ain't helpin'."

Anyways. Can we just talk about that kawaii scene with you and Grillbz up there. "Okay, Hazel Grace?" Sorry. Had to. :3

Bye for now, Bombshell Beauties!!! I'm gonna go be useless in a corner!))

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