Papyrus x Reader: Bullies are going to GeT dUnKeD oN

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((Whoo! I'm actually updating. While we're here, I have some stuff to tell you guys. What with finals coming up and all, I probably will have to go on hiatus for a bit. School is Satan. This will apply to my Creepypasta fic as well. I'll most likely make an A/N there, but whatever.


All that you had planned to do was walk out to your locker to get the homework that you had forgotten that was due in your current class. That was it. Your teacher had even been understanding enough to let you go and do so. You didn't want to take long, you felt bad enough for interrupting class over this. Now here you were, watching the scene that played out before you.

"Look at this weirdo! It's bad enough that his kind has swarmed our school, but now he's even joined the drama club! What a loser!" A male student taunted loudly. His voice echoed throughout the empty hall, which made you stop just before you rounded the corner behind which his voice was coming from. You don't know why you felt like you had to hide, but you did, peeping around the brick wall to see a group of three boys in your grade who had cornered a monster student that you didn't know. He was a rather tall skeleton monster, and wore a very vibrant and lovely looking scarf around his thin, boney neck. In fact....his entire outfit was rather unique and eccentric in its own way.

"For someone so big, he's a real wimp! Not so scary without that weird brother of yours around, are you, Papaya?" Another of the three chuckled snarkily, his arms crossed as he looked at his victim with a sneer. The skeleton boy was looking at the ground, not saying a word. You thought he was just scared, like any normal bully victim would be, and to be honest you were partially right...but he was also trying to refrain from being rude to his fellow schoolmates. He had vowed when he first set foot in this new place on the surface that he would be extra kind and friendly to all humans no matter what...but that was hard to do when they insulted his brother.

"Not saying anything, monster trash? Too afraid to talk? All those stories we were told when we were kids, about how monsters are scary ferocious beasts who kill for fun...all those nights we checked under our beds. Now you filth are back on the surface. And you're nothing but wimpy little WASTES OF SPACE!" The lead boy gave a laugh that made your spine tingle in fear before he struck out a kick at the skeleton student, earning something that sounded like a pain-filled 'NYEH!' from the poor lad.

You may have been holding your tongue up to this point, but when that jerk lashed out a hit, that's when you broke. You were filled with a flaming anger. No living thing should be treated this way, you were passionate about that belief! Monsters were people, too! Marching out from behind the corner, you balled your fists to try and calm yourself as you made your way over, stepping in front of the skeleton who towered over you. With narrowed eyes, you looked at all three of the bullies and growled through thinned lips, "Beat it, you jerks."

The three boys exchanged glances before all of their gazes fell back on you. It was dead silent, and you were a little confused on the inside as to why they weren't making any snarky come backs, before....

The hall was filled with dark laughter.

"What's this?" A deep voice echoed down the hall, though you couldn't see it's owner. However, you sensed the skeleton student behind you tense up a bit, and that was enough to make you uneasy.

"Three pesky pricks picking on my bro? That ain't a smart idea, boys. I suggest you all scram right here, right now....unless you REALLY wanna have a BaD tImE..."

If the bully's laugh was enough to make you tremble, then this voice was utter TERROR incarnate. You could have sworn you felt something crawling on your back, but before you could place your finger on what it was, the boys ran off faster than rabbits, leaving you and the skeleton behind you to be met by another, very short skeleton boy in a blue hoodie standing where the three jerks had been not two seconds ago.

His eye sockets were empty and morbid, and his smile only added to the fear that shot through you, but his look of murder soon faded when he placed his attention to you.

"So you stood up for Papyrus, huh, human? That was....pretty nice of you. Thanks for that. I won't have to hurt you since you were nice for Paps." The short skeleton said to you, simply staring at you while you were frozen in place. From behind, you felt a large hand being placed on you shoulder, and you were swiftly turned around to face the person you had stepped in front of.

"HUMAN! IT WAS VERY BRAVE OF YOU TO DO WHAT YOU DID! THE GREAT PAPYRUS THANKS YOU AS WELL FOR YOUR HEROIC ACT AND WISHES TO MAKE YOU A SPECIAL FEAST OF GRATITUDE SPAGHETTI TO REPAY YOU! WILL YOU ACCEPT THIS OFFER OF FRIENDSHIP?" The tall skeleton asked you with what looked to be a wide smile. You swear you saw stars in his eyes. A faint smile spread on your face slowly, and you gave a tiny laugh.

"Uh....sure...Papyrus." You said with a chuckle.

Little did you know, this friendship would soon develop into one of the greatest that you ever experienced in your entire life.


*from outside of window*

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