Human! Flowey x Reader: Maid???

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((Do. Not. Ask. I just finished crying my eyes out for ten minutes straight and now I'm laying in bed listening to Twenty One Pilots, I ain't gotta explain shitaki mushrooms! o3o ))

Flowey's P.O.V.

Stupid (Your Name), stupid bet! Stupid outfit! Stupid broom! STUPID DUST! STUPID FLOOR! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!

I swept vigorously, forming a tiny cloud of stirred-up dust from the floor as I grumbled under my breath and growled profanities. I can't BELIEVE I lost that bet with (Your Name)!!! I was SURE I would win! How could this happen!?! Oh, I know! ((The snark in that line was so real 030)) That girl was a cheater, that's how! And now I have to wear this stupid outfit and do whatever that IDIOT says all day!

As these anger-fueled thoughts ran through my mind on repeat, I growled more and more, sweeping the entire apartment as I was told to do by the she-beast...

Your P.O.V.

I watched from the small hallway, hidden behind a corner as I watched the blonde in the maid's dress practically kill the floor with a broom. It was honestly hard not to laugh at him. He apparently didn't realize that he was saying all of this out loud in growls and huffs, and he surly didn't realize that he was saying it pretty loud, too. He was so funny when he was angry. I wonder..... Can I make him even angrier??? ((Evil Reader-Chan! I like you >:) ))

Sneaking up behind the growling fuss-pot, I suppressed the urge to snort or chuckle as I tiptoed the few steps it took to reach him. Slowly....slowly....ATTACK!!!!

I grabbed the short skirt of the maid's dress and lifted it up violently, laughing at the high-pitched scream that escaped the thin male's lungs before he screamed again, a shorter scream of embarrassment and shock when he realized what I was doing. ((Thank glob that Flowey was wearing something under that dress, huh?)) He pulled the skirt down violently, turning to face me and stepping away several feet as I continued to laugh my butt off.

"(Y-Your Name)!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!" Flowey screeched, his face redder than a tomato. He looked like he was so mad he would explode! Believe it or not, I wasn't afraid to do this because Flowey and I had been friends for a long while now. I mean, we live in the same apartment with each other! He's my friend, of course I'm gonna tease him!

"Ah, nothing, just sneaking a peak at that booty~" I replied when I had calmed down enough to speak, stifling a snort at what I had just said. I didn't even think before I said it....oh, my god, GO ME! I'm hilarious!

Flowey's face got impossibly more red. He squeezed his eyes shut, obviously flustered. "Sh-shut UP!" He demanded in a squeaky yell. I laughed even more. "Oh, gosh, man! You're face is priceless!" I only teased him more, chuckling a little.

Flowey's P.O.V. ((again))

I hated this woman so very, very much. But not like how I hated the others. Er...well...SHUDDUP!!!

I watched with a face that felt like it was on fire as she laughed more and more at me, which only made my blush worse. Ooh, how I would love to get her back for this....

Oh. Oh, wait.....
That's a wonderful idea!

I mustered up all of the power I had in me to calm myself entirely, taking one long, deep breath to cool my face and regain myself. This would require suave and skill. Time to be smooth.

With a cocky smirk, I circled (Your Name) slowly, like a shark, looking her up and down noticeably. I waited for her to say something. And eventually....she did.

"Uh....Flowey? What the heck are you doing?" She questioned, cooking a brow as I rounded her one more time for good measure. I grabbed my broom without breaking eye contact, that smirk still in place and dare I say growing ever so slightly as I replied, "Oh....just admiring what's mine."

(Your Name) went quiet, her eyes wide and cheeks dusted pink as I went to sweeping, being rather flashy and showy as I did so. ((See le fabulous image up top))

I swept my way in a circle around the frozen girl, much like before, and narrowed my brows daringly. Revenge is sweet, I thought to myself. "Wh-whadaya mean, 'what's yours'? Flowey?" She asked, stuttering. I stopped sweeping, tenderly grabbing her shoulders from behind and leaning into her ear, purposely giving a low chuckle.

"Oh, my dear..." I was loosing it on the inside. I wanted to laugh so much at this, but to be honest, I was kind of enjoying it as well. I side-glanced at her to look her in the eye before I spoke again. "You'll see precisely what I mean tonight."

With that, I went into the next room, sweeping and humming merrily as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, (Your Name) stayed frozen in place, as red in the face as I was just minutes before.

((TA-DA!!!! Written in one hour! Whoo! Go me! Bye for now, Bombshell Beauties!))

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