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((Okay! I hope this doesn't suck as much as I feel like it will! Whoo!))

You slumped a little on the park bench you were currently sitting on, watching the scenery around you. The sun was shining, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, children were playing as their parents watched. The perfect day, most would say. But you were not like most. You didn't particularly feel all to happy today. In fact, you hadn't felt all too happy for quite some time now; maybe a little less than a week? You didn't like the reason as to why, either. You felt lonely. It was your fifth Valentine's Day in a row spent alone and single. That thought saddened you a little.

Sighing a little, you looked at your feet, having nothing better to do. You began to drift off into your thoughts, zoning out as someone decided to sit next to you. It wasn't until a cold finger tapped your shoulder that you snapped out of it, blinking a couple of times before looking to your right. "Oh! Hello, Mettaton. How are you?" You asked your friend politely. Mettaton was a good pal of yours, and had been for quite some time now ever since monsters came to the surface. He, along with many other monsters, were rather like family to you. They were like the family you never had.

The robotic male gave you a smile, looking perfect as usual as he crossed his legs and leaned back a bit to get comfortable. "Hello to you too, darling~ I've been fine, but I've noticed....lately, you haven't quite been yourself. What's been troubling you, dear?" He gave you a concerned look, not breaking eye contact as he spoke. You sighed lightly. "I honestly don't know, Metta. I just haven't felt like me for a good while now. But don't worry about it. I'll be fine, promise." With that, you gave your brother-like friend a smile, truly hoping he wouldn't fret too much.

The bot seemed to stare into your soul for a moment, his eyes burning into yours before he gave a drawn out "If you say so, darling~" as a response. He shifted a little bit, moving so as you couldn't see him pull out his phone before a devious smile creeped on to his face. He made more small talk, asking how work has been and you asking how his newest movie was coming along until he abruptly turned to you, smiling like an alligator. "Darling, come to my house tonight at eight. I have a surprise for you~"

After that being said, the gorgeously-legged Mettaton stood and hurried off, as though he was late for an appointment. You simply shrugged it off as a part of him being a star, but decided you would do as he said nonetheless.

*gonna time skip because my brain is dead and I'M SORRY*

Eight o'clock rolled around sooner than you expected, your day spent either out tending errands or dealing with people in general. In other words, tiring. You almost didn't want to go to Mettaton's, but you didn't like disappointing your friends. So, after you had out on something decent yet comfortable, you made your way to the bot's home, curious as to why he wanted your presence.

When you arrived at the shared home of Mettaton and Napstablook, you were confused to find all of the lights were off. From your position of the walkway that lead to the front door, you saw nothing but darkness through the windows. Was he even home???

Shaking your head, you decide to try the doorbell just in case. Because hey, why not?

As you pressed the heart-shaped button next to the door, you heard the faint "Oh, yes~" of the doorbell itself, fighting down a laugh. He really had THAT as his freaking bell?!?

*???'s P.O.V.*

"Sans! You tweaked my doorbell? Why would you- -" The whispered voice was cut off abruptly, someone chuckling in the background as a third voice spoke quietly. "Shut up and just let her in!" It hissed.

Tender footsteps were heard throughout the dark room, and a gentle light flowed in as the door opened to show a confused you being pulled into the home by a very confusing Mettaton.

The lights kicked on faster than you expected, blinding you momentarily. You rubbed your eyes as you waited for them I adjust, and once they did, you gasped. The large living room in front of you was decorated with reds, pinks, and whites, little heart-shaped paper cutouts thrown all about to cover the floor. It was....sorta hilarious, actually.

A banner flew down from the stairs nearby, being unleashed to hang perfectly by Toriel and Frisk who both wore happy smiles. The banner read "Happy Valentine's Day, (Your Name)!" in lovely paint, each letter having it's own individual look as though everyone had painted a letter on it by hand.

You looked around to see all of your friends giving you warm smiles; Alphys and Undyne, Sans, Papyrus, Asgore, Toriel, Frisk, Blooky, Mettaton....all of them. They were all there for you.

A cold hand gently grabbed your shoulder, making you turn to face a smiling Mettaton. "We didn't want you to be alone, darling...not today, not ever." He said.


"Yeah, kid. Who needs a date to have a good time?" A grinning Sans stated casually.

"And we can hang out anytime you want to watch anime, ok?" Alphys smiled sweetly.

"Don't feel down, punk! You got us no matter what!" The inspiring voice of Undyne declared, her wide smile growing impossibly wider.

"Yes, my child. If you ever feel saddened by anything, you will always have us." The gentle Toriel comforted as she descended the stairs with Frisk holding her hand.

"Stay determined, (Your Name). There is always something out there to aim for. And we will help you reach that goal." The deep voice of Asgore said, the tall goat man smiling gently.

You felt a tug at the bottom of you shirt, and looked down to see Frisk smiling up at you brightly.

'W-e A-l-l l-o-v-e y-o-u (Y-o-u-r N-a-m-e)', they signed. And you felt a tear come to your eye.

Kneeling down, you enveloped the child in a large hug, grinning like a moron and fighting down a sob.

"I love you all, too." You managed to say, your voice cracking with emotion.

((Yay, it's done. I'm sorry this one isn't good, guys. It's not even decent. I was sick while writing it and every three or four sentences my innards decided "Nope, you gotta die now". I'm sorry. I hope you like it at least a little. Bye, Bombshell Beauties))

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