Burgerpants x Reader: Talk Nerdy To Me

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((I have no regrets. None at all. XD ))

B.P.'s P.O.V.

Where the heck was that girl? I fidgeted nervously, looking around the ever-moving sea of people walking along the streets as I leaned against a light post , flannel shirt buttoned up casually and converse making light noises as I shuffled every now and then.

You see, I had finally worked up the nerve to ask my best friend of ten years to go on a date with me. Yeah, you heard me. TEN YEARS. Took me that long to get a date. Sad, huh? I wasn't complaining, though. I was just glad I finally did it.

But now she was late by at least twenty minutes. Anyone else would have given up by now, but there was no chance in hell I was letting this girl go so quick. I've waited ten years. I think I can live a few more minutes. Just when I began to feel a little disheartened, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whipped my head around quickly, coming face to face with a head of (Hair Color) hair. I looked down a little, smiling warmly. "Hey, little buddy." I purred softly, happy to look into those pretty (Eye Color) eyes.

She greeted me with her signature smile, only making me melt even more. Just when she was about to say something, a large gust of frosty wind blew her light cover-up of a jacket about violently, and she held her arms close to her torso in attempts to protect herself. Wrapping her up in my flannel, I pulled her close, looking around for somewhere we could go to get out of this chilly weather as my white T-shirt became the new victim of nature.

"Come on, let's get inside, little buddy. Here seems like as good a place as any." I said as I took her to a nearby café-looking place, holding open the door and ushering her to the warmth inside. Once in, she gave a small sigh of relief, and turned to me with a smile that never seemed to leave her face. I felt a purr rise in my throat, and decided to make due with our surroundings. "Come on. Warm drink to knock out that cold weather, on me. Whadaya want?"

*Lazy time skip*

Her laughter filled the air at the answer I had given her for her question she had asked. Apparently, to pass the time, we decided to play Twenty Questions as snow began to coat the streets outside. Now, it was my turn.

Chuckling a little bit, I took a sip from the coffee in my hand as I thought of something to ask. "Alright, I got one. It's not really a question, but I wanna see if you can guess what I'm saying with this. Ready?"

She nodded happily, seeming eager to hear what it was. I smirked to myself and looked her right in the eyes.

"Christopher Eccletson, TARDIS, K-9, Daleks, Doctor, Gallifrey, Tom Baker, Raxicorracofallapotorious."

A sound of excitement left her lips as she grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

"Oh, I love Doctor Who! Allons-y, Allonso!"

I laughed giddily. She was the first girl I had ever known to understand what I meant when I said that. She bounced a little in her seat before settling down and staring at me with a challenging expression. "Alright, my turn. This is gonna be along the same lines as that. It sounds fair to me. So....ocarina, Picori, Hyrule, Ganandorf, Midna, Master Sword."

Yup. I could live the rest of my life happily with this girl. I wanted to marry her right here, right now. "Legend of Zelda was by far one of my top five favorite games in all time. You think I wouldn't recognize it?" I joked playfully with her, already thinking of what I wanted to ask. "Alrighty... favorite Pokémon?"

"(Insert Fav Pocket Monster). I try and catch him every time. Favorite car?"

"1969 Chevy Impala. What kind of Bender are you?"

"(Insert favorite element out of Water, Earth, Fire, or Air). Come On Eileen or Pearly Dewdrops Drop?"

"Heroes beats 'em both. Angels or Demons?"

"Depends on what universe, but as a default I'm gonna say Sebastian is my way to go. Talk nerdy to me, BP. You ever seen the Misty Mountains?"

I would say this date was beautifully perfect....

((Abrupt ending is abrupt. I was losing ideas for nerd-talk XD

I know it's been a little while, lovelies. My apologies. Writer's block hates me. Do not be angry ;-;

Oh, and where I'm at right now, it's 4:20 in the afternoon, sooo......


Don't kill me ;u;

Ta for now, darlings~! Take care! I love each and every one of you, Bombshell Beauties~!))

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