Should I Even? (Important A/N)

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I know you guys don't care about A/N's, no one does. They're boring, right? So, if you're here, thanks for staying this long. Not even kidding.

So, what I wanted to say here is...should I even keep updating this book? I don't know if I should anymore or not. I'm not really sure what else to do with it...I think I've run myself out of ideas. Or maybe I'm out of motivation, I don't know. But I do know that I don't know what to do. Does that make sense?

Look, what I'm saying here is, I'm debating discontinuing this book...sorry, guys. But I think I'm just beating a dead horse now.

Ta for now, my Bombshell Beauties. I'll see you again, maybe somewhere else, maybe still here.

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