Grillby x Reader: Protect

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((You're probably going to be getting a lot of this hot guy because I've been hit with a wave of Grillby inspiration.))

WARNING: This chapter has some foul language in it. I'm sorry, but it does. If you don't like things like that, please don't read this.

You were dragged to one of the many Grillby bars by your small group of girlfriends (against your will, of course) for some party time, given the fact that you had ALL aced your tests in your classes and were very pleased with this fact. You just wanted a quiet evening at home to relax after the stressful exam, but your buddies??? They wanted to celebrate. And you weren't the best at standing your ground and saying no sometimes. You had to be REALLY mad if anyone was looking to see YOU yell and tell someone off. Cause you were nice like that, Reader-Chan. Like a flower. A flower that will eat anyone who makes you too mad.

"Girls, please, calm down. Let's at least not make a scene..." You tried to reason. You were always socially awkward. You hated drawing attention to yourself. "Calm down, (Your Name). We'll be tame." (Friend 1's Name) chuckled.

((Yeah, sorry. They'll be listed like that....Heh.))

You felt an unease in your gut the instant you saw how many people were in the quaint little pub-like place. Oh, boy.

*time skip cause I'm lazy at the moment XD*

It was later on in the evening. And by later on, I mean it was LATE. Really late. Past midnight. And needless to say, a couple of your friends....were a wee bit tipsy. You, however, wanted to remain the sober one and make sure no one got hurt. The whole time your group was there, you noticed the bartender had been keeping an....'eye' on you. Probably because (Friend 2's Name) was laughing like crazy.

You also noticed some weirdo across the bar. Staring at you. Intently. It was starting to creep you out. You wanted to leave, but you were having difficulty calming down the girls enough to help them stumble back home.

And, surprise surprise! That guy who was staring at you made his way over, acting nonchalant. He was human, unlike most of the people in this bar, and looked like your typical "bad boy"/fuck boy; you know, leather coat, fingerless gloves, black pants and boots, shades on indoors. That type.

He gave you a smirk, running a hand through his short brown hair. " 'Sup, doll? Got your hands full, I see." He chuckled. You felt uneased by his presence, but he was being civil, so you returned the favor as politely as possible. "Yeah," you gave a small huff as one of your friends ordered yet ANOTHER drink. "They've gotten a little bit crazy."

"Y'know, doll....we can ditch them and go get a little crazy ourselves, just you and me. How about it?" The guy(we'll call him Chad) said lowly in your ear, leaning in and wrapping and arm around your shoulders.

So much for civil.

You slinked away a little, your sheepish smile falling slowly. "Um...sorry, but no. I don't ditch my friends." You said, stepping closer to the bar where (Friend 1, 2, and 3's Names) all sat. Behind you, the bartender watched the scene as he cleaned a glass calmly.

Chad stepped closer, pinning you by placing his hands down on the bar on either side of you. He leaned in VERY close to your face, still smirking. "Aw, come on, doll face. Just for the night. I promise you won't regret it." He purred.

You pushed him away lightly, still trying to be decent. "I said no. Please, leave me alone. I won't be going with you. I'm sorry."

This seemed to piss Chad off. He didn't seem to accept rejection well. The brunette man gripped your forearm harshly, earning a small squeak from you. The flaming monster bartender seemed to cock a brow, his flame flickering a bit and growing slightly in its furious blaze.

"Oh, yes, missy. I can guarantee that if you aren't the sorriest piece of ass in this town by sure will be the sorest."

You struggled against his grip, demanding he let you go this instant. He didn't, of course. He began to try and tug you out of the bar, but you clung to the wooden surface behind you for dear life. At this point, people were staring, even your friends, who were too drunk to understand. The bartender, however, was well aware and had pushed up his glasses, preparing to kick this asshole out of his bar for such behaviour, laying hands on a lady. But it came as a shocker to everyone watching as to what happened next.

You proceeded to struggle, earning a sneer from Chad. He reered an open hand back, slapping you across the face to still your movements. Grillby's flame seemed to explode and his 'eyes' widened in shock before narrowing in fury.

Burning heat emitted from the flaming man, and his flames danced about like crazy as he literally JUMPED over the bar and tore Chad away from you, throwing him against the door. The jerk grunted in pain as he slid to the ground, regaining himself enough to bolt out, looking like a dog who had tucked its tail between its legs.

Grillby looked back at you, his flames still raging but slowly calming down as he bent down slightly to your height, tenderly taking hold of your forearm. He didn't burn, though. He was...more pleasantly warm now instead of burning hot. You watched him with wide, tear-filled eyes as he inspected your bruised arm.

He looked up into your eyes, gently tucking your hair behind your ear to view your injured cheek.

"...Are you alright, ma'am?" He asked in a gentle yet deep voice. You couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. Returning to your senses, you tried to gather your thoughts to reply.

"Yes, thank you. That was...very kind, what you did. I can't thank you enough." You gave a tiny, broken smile to the man, still shaken up. But he understood.

The night's event seemed to sober your friends up enough to the point they were ready to leave, wanting to now get YOU home and make sure you were okay. As you helped the girls out the door, Grillby assisted, holding open the door and helping the most strongly intoxicated girl outside.

As the three drunk goofs began to slowly walk down the street(not leaving your sight, mind you), you began to follow, before stopping to look back at Grillby again. "Thank you again, sir. I don't know how I'll repay you for this. If there's anything, please let me know."

You wrote your number down on a small slip of paper you found in your purse, sliding it in his vest pocket gently. "I mean it. I want to thank you properly." You said seriously. The man looked down at his pocket, then back at you with what looked like a small smile.

"....Actually...I already have something in mind. How about you meet me for coffee Sunday morning at the café down the street?" Grillby asked. You smiled a little.

Looking him in the eye, you nodded. "It's a date."

((Bye bye for now, you Bombshell Beauties.))

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