Underfell! Sans x Reader: Wanted - Lost Pup

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((This one will be an actual chapter, trust me. I won't fuck you all over. Promise. I might even make it another multi-parter.))

You cowered in the corner of Sans' surprisingly orderly bedroom, curled up with your legs to your chest as the sound of raised voices and angry yells were flying about downstairs. The brothers were fighting again. It was worse this time. You were almost sure you would die tonight.

See, Sans had been hiding you from his brother, Papyrus, for quite some time now. Nearly two months. He knew as well as you that if you were to be seen by Papyrus, you would immediately be killed. And though Sans himself had tried to kill you when you first met, he had grown to like you. For crying out loud, the two of you were a couple now! He was sticking his neck out for you by protecting you like this, of course he didn't want you dead. That's why he was taking the risk of going against his bro for this. He would do anything for this. For you.

The yells only grew louder, to the point where you could make out parts of their sentences. Something about 'calm down'...what sounded like 'capture'....that was all you could hear clearly. Until a very familiar thumping came up the stairs. Papyrus.

"Bro, come on. You know I don't have anything in there. Calm down and - -"


Trying to be silent, you wiggled under Sans' bed in hopes to hide before Papyrus burst into the room. All you could see was the bottoms of his boots as he checked every nook and cranny of the room. He was going to capture you, you thought. He would capture you and kill you. You just knew it.

The shoes of your dearest friend followed into the room, and you could see each uncomfortable and nervous shift he made as he tried to talk things out.

"Bro, really, you're not going to find anything. What even makes you think I would have a human in here?" Sans added a half-hearted chuckle in hopes to convince his brother as he watched Papyrus going from corner to corner before ripping the closet open. Sans gulped, thankful you weren't in there as he thought you would have been.

"YOU'VE BEEN ACTING SUSPICIOUS ALL WEEK, SANS! DON'T PLAY DUMB! WHERE ARE THEY?!" Papyrus' voice was as scary as his appearance, full of anger and bloodthirst. You pressed yourself against the wall as much as you could. You felt like a terrified pup. You WERE a terrified pup. Heh...Sans always calls you Little Pup...that thought comforted you a little. But not for long.

A hand covered by a red glove reached under the bed and began to feel about for ANYTHING suspicious. You had to bite your lip to keep from yelping out of shock. You were pressed back as far as you could go, and could practically FEEL the apprehension of your skele-friend as his brother searched the only other spot that was untouched in the room. He KNEW you were under there. Paps had checked every other possible hiding place. He knew you were trapped.

The hand gripped your head roughly, and you could hear a growl from the tall skeleton before he pulled you by your hair, earning a yell of pain and what felt like warm blood. You knew your head would be red as a cherry by tomorrow. If you were alive by then.

"I KNEW IT!" Papyrus stared you straight in the eyes, smiling like an alligator while his brother looked as if he was a maelstrom of mixed emotions, of which you assumed a few were worry, initial shock, fear, and the determination to protect. You feared for the worst.

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