07. Going Home

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My father looked down at me as we approached with an almost smug look on his face, and shook hands with Freddy before watching him kiss me on the cheek as he said "I had a great time with you sugar, maybe we will do it again sometime" sliding something into my hand he walked away to see what he had missed while he was busy, looking down I saw a crumpled piece of yellow paper, which had the words 'call me' and then his number I dropped it leaving the number in the alley with the bad memory.

As I stood feeling empty I heard my father absentmindedly saying "It's about time you started earning your keep," he was silent for a moment, letting his comment sink in properly "I brought you here because you will be fighting when the next season starts, which will be around this time next year" I just nodded, as though I understood, but I couldn't comprehend anything, my mind was fuzzy, and I could barely hold myself in the standing position, I was in a daze. I couldn't feel anything, not even the pain from where I had been hit that night; I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep. I must have missed something, because the next thing I knew I was being dragged by my arm to the car, so that we could go home. I don't remember anything from the rest of that night, but thank god, because it couldn't have gotten much worse.

The next morning my father woke me up with a series of sharp slaps to my face and him ripping the bed covers off me. Looking down I saw that I was still in my clothes from last night and had no knickers on reminding me of what had happened. I realised it wasn't a dream, and that my father had sold me for a few grand, sniffling I struggled to get up, as my ribs were still causing me immense pain. My dad got bored of waiting, and pulled me up the rest of the way. Throwing some pyjama pants at me he told me to put them on before swiftly pulling up my dress to inspect my ribs. "Take a deep breath," he demanded, not looking up from what he was doing, I struggled, but the pain got to intense, causing me to cough profusely, which only made matters worse. He let my dress and looked me dead in the eye "you have two broken ribs, others are bruised and some fractured, take these every 4 hours" he pushed a bottle into my hands, which rattled, telling me that there was some sort of pills in there. "Take 10 slow deep breaths every couple of hours, I don't care how painful it is, I don't want you getting an infection" Then he shoved another pill into my hand, "take this now" I took the pill, and swallowed it, not bothering to get any water, "good, I can't have you being pregnant" turning he walked out of my room he stopped to say "if you tell anyone about what happened yesterday, I will beat you till you can't walk straight, and then give you to Freddy again" all I can do is bow my head and say "yes sir" in the hopes of not being hit again.

"Good, now get ready for school, remember tell no one or this" he gestures to me "gets worse." he threatens as he leaves the room, not bothering to close the door behind him.

Walking to the bathroom, I glance into the mirror only to stop in my tracks, stepping closer, I cringe at what I can see, I have a purple bruise forming on my cheek, and I big bags under my eyes, my hair is dishevelled and greasy, with stuff stuck in it, I decide to get in the shower since it's still dark out, as I wash the dirt from yesterday away, I realise exactly what happened last night, I took something from my dad assuming that it was pain killers, but I didn't ask, and then I couldn't fight my way out of Freddy's grasp, I realised now, that what I had taken wasn't an ordinary pain killer. I didn't cry though, I was pretty much all cried out from yesterday, I had to focus on getting through the first day of school. Getting out of the shower, and caught another glimpse of myself in the mirror, this time, I had nothing covering me; my body was in a worse state than my hair and face. There were finger shaped bruises over my hips, and up my arm, luckily there was nothing around my neck from were Freddie was holding me, and my hands had pretty much escaped any injury. I decided that looking in the mirror, was just causing me distress. Turning away, I caught a glimpse of my back, which was far worse, with hand shaped marks on my arse, and bruising on my upper thighs, the only evidence of last night. Limping back into my room I realised that it wasn't just my ribs causing me to limp. The damage to my pelvis wasn't helping either. At that point, with the irrefutable evidence clearly marking my body, I couldn't take it anymore, I caved in on myself. It felt as though the room was closing in, I couldn't breathe, and I was frozen to the spot.

As I stood struggling to get a grip on my emotions with no one coming to save me, I realised that I was the only person I could rely on, and it was me, so as I calmed down, I looked at the clock, realising that there was 35 minutes till I had to be out of the house I rushed to get dressed applying foundation and concealer to my face making sure that no one could see the bruises. As I made it downstairs, not without protest from my injuries my father, stopped me. He stood in the doorway angrily "did you take the pills" he questioned

"no, I don't know how many to take" I reply, he huffed at me and heled his hand out for the bottle

"if you read the fucking bottle I gave you it said take 2 every 4 to 6 hours" he emptied some into his hand an dropped them into the bottle, followed by another packet, he looked down at me in my jeans and hoodie, "your limping, don't, people will ask questions" he thrust another packet into my hands, saying "if the pills wear off before the time is up to top up on ibuprofen" he gestured to the packet in my hand, and turned to walk away before stopping and reminding me not to limp and pointing at a water bottle that was on the counter.

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