27. Speaking to Logan

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just so you know, how much time has lapsed. this chapter happens  the week she was going to take her cast off.... okay, enjoy :)

Weeks had passed, and tonight was the night that R's birthday party was being held. My father had been into my room that morning to tell me he would pick me up from school so that I could get ready, and we wouldn't be late. The day had moved slowly, until dinner time came, I sat in my usual spot, with my eyes closed, when I heard someone coming up the steps. Peaking my eyes open, I found Logan stood in front of me. I looked around looking for the rest of the entourage "I haven't seen you in a while so I came to see how you were," he said by way of explanation. I frowned and shrugged my shoulders before looking into the distance
"I'm fine" I said quietly, then looked at him as though asking him the same question
"yeah, I'm fine to, Aron's not though, he's been acting strange" I sighed and pretended to be interested,
"why what's he been doing " Logan gave me a look saying that I wasn't doing a very good job at pretending, but carried on anyway
"nothing really, it's just a feeling I get when I'm around him, like he's brooding inside his head but won't show anyone else," furrowing my eyebrows I said
"well people reading isn't really a skill that I poses, the only moods I notice are the ones that relate to my self-preservation" 'and I'm still shit at that' I mused
"I know that!" Logan said chucking at me
"so what do you want me to do about it" Logan shrugged, and looked out across the playing fields with me before we heard someone shouting, it was Aron
"what the fuck are you doing with her, come on, we have practice," Logan grinned down at him "got to go I have practice, see you tonight, I'll be the guy in the suit" he grinned as I waved him goodbye, and went back to enjoying the silence.

The end of the day arrived, and I stood waiting for my father to appear, like usual, I could feel Aron's eyes boring into my head, but I didn't turn around, I just stood and waited. Eventually, my father's car pulled up, and I hopped in, not daring to speak, in case he was angry. We pulled up at the house, and got out of the car he turned to me, pointing at my hand "make sure you cover that, you have 3 hours before we need to set off" with that he threw me a bag, and went inside the house I nodded, and hurried upstairs. I looked in the bag to see some hair putty, and a can of hair spray. Setting the bag down on my desk I went to the bathroom, and got a shower, next I re- bandaged and, changed any dressings I had on, as I was finishing this I heard my name being shouted, throwing on a button up shirt I checked the time realising that I still had 2 and a quarter hours left, I went downstairs, to find a strange man in the kitchen, my eyes widened, as he grinned at me
"go and get the stuff I gave you earlier" my dad said, I turned and ran up the stairs. Putting on some pants and added a bra to my current attire and picked up the stuff that my father had given me handing them to the man when I got downstairs. He sat me down on a chair, before standing and looking at me for a moment. As he stroked his stubble I took in his appearance. He was tall, and fairly skinny, his hazel eyes took everything in critically. He had a straight nose, and his ears stuck out slightly, pushed forward by the wild unruly mop on top of his head, which was styled to perfection to look as though he hadn't done anything with it. Looking down I saw that he was wearing black jeans with a black button up shirt, he had braces attached to the jeans, and he was wearing black combat boots. When I looked closer, I realised that he had hair clips and grips poking out of his shirt pocket with bobbles up his right wrist.

Suddenly he jumped forwards, and whipped some scissors out of his pocket, causing me to jump back, taking the chair with me
"right, right, she's a fighter, make slow moves " he said to himself then to me said "honey, I'm max, your dad brought me in to do my hair" at this I relaxed,
"oh, sorry, he didn't tell me why you were here" I took a deep breath "ummm, I'm Scarlett" he smiled and hummed "matches your hair, " he said warmly. The next 40 minutes were spent combing, cutting and styling my hair
"did you do this yourself?" he asked referring to my hair
"umm, yeah, my dad had to neaten the back, up though" I shrugged. Max grinned easily at me, "your good, if you ever want one, you have a job at my salon" he smiled handing me a business card, I didn't know what to say so I just thanked him, and let him finish. He stopped and held up a mirror so I could see; I whistled through my teeth, I looked good. My hair was cut at the sides, two lines had been shaved into one side, and the long part was swept up, into a wave of orange that stood tall on my head. Smiling at what I could see, I turned to mark
"thank you so much, I love it!" I exclaimed, turning my head and examining it again, not daring to touch it my father came in, and handed the man some money before showing him the door. Looking down at his watch and said to me
"you've got an hour and an hour and a quarter left," he smiled and went upstairs to get himself ready. I nodded, and returned to what I was doing upstairs. I put on makeup, making sure to cover any blemishes, on my face, giving myself a natural look, then I went to my wardrobe, remembering what Logan had said, "I'll be the guy in the suit" I rummaged through my wardrobe, until I found what I was looking for. Sliding it off the hanger I put it on. I stood in front of the mirror looking down at my attire, I was wearing a black suit, that had a stripe up the leg of silk like material, the blazer also black was plain, underneath I had a white shirt on which I left the top unbuttoned, and added an untied bowtie to my outfit, draping It around my neck. Looking in my wardrobe I decided on heels, but there were none in my bedroom, so I went to my mother's old wardrobe, where she left some things that didn't fit in her suitcase, I picked out some patent red shoes and a matching handbag, and made my way downstairs with two minutes to spare.

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