44. "Chicks Dig Scars"

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I had booked an appointment with Mikey, for that day, but I didn't feel like leaving Logan in my house for long. My father had gone out earlier, and I didn't expect him to be home for a few hours. I had let Logan out of my room since he was up and getting used to his head, I took the opportunity to change my bedding, and scrub the blood out of it, putting away everything I used last night. I could see Logan out of the corner of my eye, looking cautiously at me while I worked, but he didn't dare to speak. Finally I got bored of him looking at me "why don't you go get a shower, I'll bring you a towel in a second, just don't lock the door" he didn't argue, only nodded, and walked back to the bathroom, and I heard the shower come on.

I took him a towel, and some clothes that my father wouldn't miss, to the bathroom, while he was in the shower, and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I passed it. The bruise on my face was angry and purple looking, standing out brightly on my cheek. I was sure that I would have to use color correction so people couldn't see it. I must have been stood pondering for a while, since Logan got out of the shower, surprising both me and him as he stood with no clothes on. He was incredibly toned, all over, his arms, had veins running up them, showing that there was not much fat covering them and I could see the muscles in his stomach ripple, as he shifted nervously from foot to foot. That's when I realized I was staring at him
"shit, sorry, I didn't mean to still be in here, I must have dazed off" offering a small smile, I hastily made it out of the door, closing it behind me, and scuttling to my bedroom, where I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes. He came in a few minutes later, still pink from embarrassment, and his wet hair still dripping down his shoulders. I stood and intending to tell him my plans for the day, "err I have errands to run today, do you want to come with, or you can stay here, I don't really mind, Mikey called, he says he has the next 2 tattoos ready for me to get done, so I was going to get them, and then go to the shop, and get supplies, or do you not feel up to it, because you can stay here if you want, just don't let my dad know, or you can go home, I don't want to keep you captive," I had intended to ignore the images of Logan's naked body that were imprinted on my brain, but since I was still embarrassed from the bathroom incident I started rambling, not giving him time to talk, when finally he came over to me, he heled his finger pressed gently over my lips with a small smile gracing his lips.

Thankful that he had stopped me, I took a deep breath, and cringed a little at myself;
"I'll do whatever you're doing today" he smiled down at me. I nodded and stepped back out of his reach, turning to my makeup, and gathering it up, to apply gently over my face. Logan had followed me to the bathroom, and was watching me cover up any remnants of the night. Before long, I could see him, holding his head in strange positions in the mirror, so I glanced at what he was doing. He was frowning at his cut in the mirror
"it's going to scar isn't it?" I nodded "probably" which only made him frown more and huffed and went back to looking at the mark over his left eyebrow "it's ugly" he moaned at me
"oh don't whine about it, I think it adds character" I smiled at him in the mirror, still spreading makeup over my cheek until I was happy the mark couldn't be seen
"no it doesn't, I hate it" slowing down with the rigorous buffing of powder onto my face I looked at him properly in the mirror
"besides chicks dig scars" I quoted from diehard, in with my best Bruce Willis impression laughing at myself, before I went back to putting on makeup at his shocked expression mumbling to more to myself than at him "I get slapped around a bit, I'm not a cave man, I do see films sometimes"

After a few more seconds I heard shuffling, and then I felt his chest pressed up against my back. I flinched away, but if he noticed, he didn't do anything about it, or stop with his leisurely caress. He was pushing his nose gently up my neck, and laying the odd kiss over it. I was tensed up, but he didn't notice, as he ran his hands over my hips, and down to the waist band of my pants. Closing my eyes, I fought off the rising bile in my throat. Before I froze, and panicked I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing, lifting my shoulders, and pushing them backwards sharply trying to get him off me. It worked for a second, but then he came back as I turned around, pulling my face to his. This time I placed my hands over his pecks and pushed. He stumbled back away from me in shock
"what's wrong, don't you want to?" I shook my head, folding my arms defensively, not daring to look at him for fear of seeing the lust painted all over his face. He stepped towards me again, and I flinched back raising my hands palms facing him to make him stop. He realized the effect he was having on me and stopped moving. He started to speak again "I'm sorry I didn't mean" he stepped towards me again, and I moved back with my arms folded against my chest "Scarlett, I..." he didn't get a chance to finish, because I cut him off
"let's just forget it" I said calmly, waiting for his nod in response then I turned and left the room before he could come any closer. When I made it to my bedroom, I closed the door and put on my jeans, and a jacket, so I would be ready to go. When I opened the door, he was stood on the landing, leaning on the wall waiting for me. When he saw that I was in my door way he stood up and came towards me cautiously. I held up my hands to make him stop. He did, heaving a frustrated breath.
"Scar, I..." I held up my hand to stop him and he bowed his head 
"just don't do it again" he had a look of helplessness on his face, but didn't protest. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and walked past him, intending to go and have the two tattoos added to my collection. Before I left, I wrote a note for my father:

'Dad, I've gone to get supplies for the house, I'll be back around 6 – Scarlett'

I didn't know if he ever read the notes, but I didn't want to give him an excuse to get angry with me, so I left them anyway.

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