37. Setting it Up

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It had been a few weeks since I bled through my shirt, making it two days until the fights began again. I decided to give R a call, and arrange my retirement fight. Since I didn't have a phone of my own to use, I waited until after school had finished, and used the phone that was in the teachers' staff room, which was deserted, since any teachers in the school would either be planning lessons or would have gone home the minute the bell rang. Pulling the card out of my pocket that she had given me when we were setting up my bank account, I dialed the number insure of what to expect, I waited a few seconds, then the dial tone started ringing in my ear. The phone was picked up on the third ring

"customer services" the voice on the other end of the line was sharp, and sounded as though it took no nonsense, taking a deep breath I said
"hi, I'm ringing to speak to Rita?" I waited a few seconds
"there's no one here by that name, can I help you with something else" the person on the other end sounded not quite rude, but not exactly polite. Frowning looking down at the card, I spotted more writing; it said
"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting" I read it quietly aloud to myself, pondering over it. Even though I had said it quietly, the person on the other end must have heard,
"thank you for your concern" she said, and the dial tone began again, it's safe to say that by this point, I was completely confused, as to what was happening, but I stayed on the line anyway.

After a while, the familiar voice of R sounded through the ear peace,
"Rita" she didn't sound as airy and happy as she usually did; there was a business like tone to her voice. I took another deep breath to steady myself.
"Uh, hi, err its Scarlett" the business attitude she had before shifted suddenly, and she went back to her usual self,
"Scarlett darling, I was wondering when you would call," I could hear the smile in her voice, which caused me to smile at how warm she was being with me,
"erm, I kind of have a favor to ask" I chewed my lip waiting for her response, but she remained just as happy as she was previously
"of course darling, how can I help" I released my breath
"well, I want to stop fighting, like forever, it wasn't even my choice to start, so yeah, I want to stop" I trailed off, because I noticed that Rita had gone completely silent
"err, hello, Rita" I asked down the phone. After a few more seconds of silence
"what do you mean it wasn't your choice to start?" all previous warmth in her tone, was gone, and her voice was glacial,
"oh, err, nothing it doesn't matter" my palms were beginning to sweat, "it's nothing" I reassured as I wiped my hands on my jeans
"fine, it's done, your fight is at the original end of the season" She didn't sound as though she believed me, or that this was the last I would hear of the subject, but I was glad she had dropped it. At that moment, I heard people near the door so I had to get off the phone, since I had no excuses for even being in here, never mind using the phone
"err, thank you, but I have to go, thank you so much," I glanced towards the door, making sure it hadn't opened "err, I'll speak to you soon bye"
"speak to you soon Scarlett" I could hear both a smile and concern in her voice as I put the phone back on its perch. Quickly I moved to stand behind the door, so I could make a fast get away when it was opened by the person on the other side I slipped through the door after the person opened it and was walking to the coffee machine. When I made it out of the school, I went to the gym to train for the matches, I needed all the money I could get, and I had every intention of retiring before I got killed. 

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