71. Kicked Out

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The next morning, as I was clearing up breakfast I heard heavy footsteps and my father shouting "where the fuck is she, I'm going to kill her" I tensed and went to the kitchen doorway, where he could see me.
"Hi dad" I said quietly, but inwardly I was thinking 'why didn't i stay with Joe, or Nate?'. He lunged for me. He was faster when he was sober, and he almost caught me. I stepped back into the kitchen, noticing that Freddy had a predatory look on his face. My father lunged again, swinging a fist at me
"get me put in jail will you, you bitch, how fucking dare you! Fucking Freddy had to bail me out, I might have to give you to him again, free of charge" he went for me again, abut this time I stepped into the kitchen, and caught his hand, I thought I had moved into a better position, but he got the better of me, and landed a heavy blow to the side of my head, and knocked me over. I scrambled to my feet, but he hit me again, and smashed my head on the table. When I landed on the floor, he drove a kick into my face and shouted something at me again. He stepped to the side, and I could see Freddy 'god, I wish Nate were here, or Joe, or George' I thought to myself as I watched Freddy deliver two kicks to my torso. The world slowed down as I saw Freddy standing over me. I drove my foot up into his groin, got up and ran for the front door.

I didn't make it.

My father caught me by my arm and drove a punch into my face. I was so close to the door I could taste my freedom. I stood on his foot, and elbowed him in the face. Then the back of his neck, and kicked him anywhere I could. I turned and ran out of the house before he could recover.

"Help, help, somebody help me, please" I begged, loudly enough so people would hear me but nothing happened. No one came. I frantically wiped blood out of my eyes, and from my mouth, looking for something but gave up fairly quickly I was in pretty bad shape, and could feel myself about to lose consciousness. instead running to the closest house and banging on the door, still shouting for help. I went on like this banging on at least 4 doors before Freddy came and got me and started dragging me down the street. It was a morning at the weekend, so I knew people would be home they just didn't want to help me.

I was slowly giving up on finding help, when I heard a Scottish accent growl
"I think you should let her go now pall" looking up, a man I had never seen before was stood in front of Freddie
"oh really, well I think you should go back home and forget you ever saw anything" Freddie threatened. I quietly started whimpering for him to let me go
"I've called the police, and I know what you look like, so I don't think that there is really any getting away with this. You should just let her go now, it will be better" at that point, my father came out of the house, sporting my new knuckle dusters that I had left on the table when I got back last night. If I wasn't so terrified I would have laughed at him wearing the glittery jewelry on his hands.

He pulled me up by my collar, and landed another hit to my face. I fell back and hit my head, earning another cut in my scalp. Now that they had seen me get hit, more of my neighbors came out, dressed in pajamas, and dressing gowns, trying to stop the fight. By this time, I was curled up on the floor, doing the only thing I could to protect my body, too tired to cry.

consciousness flooded back to my body, along with pain. i let out a small gurgle, as i let the blood poor out of my mouth. coughing more up, i attempted to sit up. I felt a hand on my hip, causing me to push the pain to the back of my mind and protect myself, I formed a fist and drew back my hand. Then a familiar voice floated to me "Scarlett, are you okay" I looked up
"Joe, do I look alright to you" i spat out more blood he chuckled at me though the sorrow was clearly etched on his face
"you are one tough girl" I looked around and found George restraining my father, and another police officer holding down Freddy who was struggling on the floor glaring at me. relief flooded through me as i watched the police officers read the two men their rights. hands clasped around me, and attempted to lift me bridal style. i let out a strangled moan of pain

"no" Joe looked at me confused, but obliged, helping me to my feet.  I stood up with the help of Joe spitting more coppery blood out of my mouth, and walked slowly across the road to the man who came to save me. I nodded "thank you, I don't know how I will ever repay you" i said to him, bowing my head. he plastered a big smile on his face

"a man should never hit a woman, you should ave never have had to come screaming for someone to help" i smiled, and shook his hand gently, thanking him again. before Joe helped me back to my house. I fell down into a chair, and leaned back exhausted.

"are you going to go to the hospital for that?" he gestured to me. i shook my head

"What for? My ribs are broken, and so is my nose, ill set that later, I've got pain med's in the cupboard, and I can clean the cuts myself." Pain was radiating my body, but I was just happy that he wasn't hitting me anymore and i couldn't bring myself to move off the chair. Joe looked distraught 

"I'm sorry that you get hurt so much, you know what that feels like" i waved my hand at him 
"don't be,whats done is done, there is no point in beating yourself up about it" with that I struggled up to go get the first aid kit, brandishing a bloody smile on my face
"Scarlett what are you smiling for, did they give you something for the pain already" I shook my head "no, I'm just happy i got rid of him." 

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