Untitled Part 75

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shit, sorry, i keep forgetting to put pictures of who i think should play each person, so i'll do it over the next few chapters :) 



I got a phone call. George the police officer had called, just like he said he would, to take me to some appointments. He pulled up to the house, and got out of the car, I had seen him coming. It had only been two days, since he dropped me off, and only Nate and Joe knew I was still here. He knocked on the door, and I opened it letting him in. "Hey Scarlet, you look better" I smiled; I had quite a lot of makeup on my face, covering the marks from the fights, and the beating I took later. Picking up my keys, I stuffed them into my pocket, and then pulled my hood up. "oh clearing some stuff out" he pointed to the bags at the door I could tell that George was looking to make me more comfortable, but I didn't want to, I didn't really want to leave my house, but I appeased him, and nodded,
"I, err found the deeds to the house, turns out its mine, so" I trailed off, adding "he's not welcome" before George could speak. He just nodded then said
"shall we go" he turned to open the door. I hesitated, considering staying home, I hadn't even been out running since I was forced back here, and I just wanted to stay. But I knew that I would have to leave eventually, I couldn't hide forever, and i was incredibly restless. Taking a deep breath I dug deep for my lady balls, and followed him out of the door.

In the car, George did most of the talking, telling me details of what I was to expect when we got where I was going "okay, you're going to see a doctor Jayne, she's a specialist in bones or something, she can sort out any previous injuries you've had that still bother you, find out what your previous injuries you've had, and fix any ones you've got now," he gestured to the covered bruise under my eye. "She's good, I promise" he reassured I nodded, and shuffled around in my seat
"what's happening to my dad?" I asked gently, he gave me a sidelong glance, but answered anyway in a softer tone of voice
"he's still inside, since he was out on bail, he won't get out again, not until the end of his sentence I took a deep breath, sighing in relief that I didn't need to worry. before it came crashing back
"what about Freddy?" George smiled a moment "it appears his paperwork has been lost, so he whont be getting bale, and he wont be getting any phone calls either" i smiled along with him, thankful that i was being protected. 

I could feel the tension rise in George so I turned and looked at him
"what is it?" I asked gently he took a breath, and said
"well, I need you to take a lie detector test, so that we can make the case against him solid, I know we have witnesses that saw what happened the other day, but every little helps" shook my head confused
"why would I lie about this though?" I didn't understand "do you not believe me?" I asked, fury welled up in my muscles, he shook his head

"no I do believe you, we just need the whole story, and something that the defense attorneys can't bring down. We will  have the X-rays, and your statement, but, we just need to be sure" I nodded my head and felt myself calm down.

We had sat in the waiting room for a few moments before my name was called. George let me go into the office alone, while she examined me, the scars that had been covered and looked for any issues that couldn't be seen over my skin. She also looked over my face and legs, and arms. Before sending me in for X-rays, ultra sounds, and some other scan that I didn't know what it was. She sent me back out to the waiting room, for the results to come through. We waited around for what felt like hours, me not really saying much, while George told me all about what he had been doing since high school. Eventually my name was called, and George came with me this time, to see the results.

"Scarlett, there are multiple breaks over most your body, and scar tissue over even more of it, and your ribs and nose are currently broken. But there are no records of you having ever come into a hospital this decade. Not even a description of you has appeared on any systems." The doctor was nice and professional, she didn't make me feel nervous, or like I was in trouble. I looked down sheepishly,
"err, I never went to hospital for anything, I looked after myself" she frowned, as did George,
"you never came in, not even once?" I shook my head,
"not since I was about 4 when I fell off the swing and banged my head, no one cared enough to take me" I shrugged again fiddling with the cuff of my jumper "I'm sorry," I chewed my lip, not daring to look at them when I felt George's hand on my shoulder
"you've got nothing to be sorry for" I looked up to see an honest smile tugging at his face
"Scarlett, I'm considering offering you a job here you did so good, you even managed to set your own arm, and your nose is straight" I frowned, not sure how to feel about the compliment
"I had help with my arm," I felt George tense beside me
"someone knew about this, and still did nothing" I nodded, a sad smile,
"yup, some friends they turned out to be" I grumbled, thinking about Aron, Logan and David.

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