28. Party

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My dad also dressed in a suit and bowtie, looked me over and nodded his head, then went out to the car, I think that was approval. On the way over he didn't speak much, until we pulled up outside of a large building, it looked grand, as there were expensive looking decorations everywhere. There were people from the fights there, and other people that I didn't know, so I assumed must have been from some other revenue of business that R had. When I got out of the car, my dad came around to link my arm, and I obliged so I didn't cause any fuss, as we made our way into the building my hopes of not causing a fuss didn't work as all the way to the entrance of the building people turned to look at us, making me uncomfortable, and fidgety. We made it inside, and Freddy appeared in front of me
"Scarlett, you look beautiful" he smiled, I nodded my head, but didn't say anything "mike," he turned to acknowledge my dad
"fuck off Freddy, you've had your money's worth," my dad snapped, I flinched at the mention of his sale
"I can pay again if you want" Freddy replied easily my dad thought about it for a moment, then looked over at my terrified eyes, before saying
"no, her makeup is to pretty tonight," smiling down at me before stepping around him. Taking a deep breath, I tried to stop the tremors running through my body, as I fought the infringing panic 'you can do this, you are a strong woman, you can do this' I thought, breathing deeply, my dad patted my hand, drawing my attention back to the room as I calmed. He brought me to a stop in front of an older man, possibly in his early 50's holding out his hand they shook, they began talking, but I wasn't listening I could feel someone's eyes on me again, making me shift uncomfortably. After a few minutes the conversation turned to me
"who is this lovely lady?" snapping back into the conversation, I took his outreached hand, as a flash of familiarity appeared in his eyes "is this the wonderful crimson fist?" the excitement was written clearly on his face my father spoke
"yes, this is crimson," turning to me he said "crimson, this is the man who runs the fights" my eyes widen
"oh my god, you must be R" the people around us start paying attention, which doesn't go un noticed by me, I realise I've done something wrong , as I stand looking around but he smiles
"call me Mark" the conversations around me stop, as people turn to look at the conversation, I try my best to ignore it
"well thank you for letting me fight in your ring" mark smiles
"it's my pleasure dear, I have seen you fight, and I can assure you it's my pleasure," he smiled warmly at me smiling back I look around to see people with open mouths looking at me, including my father who has let go of my arm, and is just stood mark goes on
"your good for such a young fighter, if you stay in the ring a few more years, you will be the best in the country" 'I don't think I'll last a few more years' but I just smile and thank him for his compliment. Changing the subject I say
"why is everyone looking at us" as I point over my shoulder with my thumb, he glances around as though he has only just noticed the crowd then absently
"usually the fighters aren't allowed to speak to me, their representatives do" he points at my father, I pale
"oh, shit, I mean damn, I'm sorry, I didn't realise" I bow my head, but he shook his head saying
"I always have time to speak to a girl as beautiful as you, and especially one so talented" he holds out his hand grinning "may I have this dance?" I smile, and place my hand in his, glancing nervously around me as he leads me to the dance floor
"I have a confession," I say as we get there he raises his eyebrow, smiling
"and what might that be" he looks at me amused
"I've never done this before" his smile is contagious, as he smiles, saying
"just follow me" and with that he swept me around the dance floor to some song that I didn't know at the end he released me saying
"see now you're a pro" he grinned as he led me back to my father and his date whom he had abandoned. She was now looking at me with distaste as she took marks hand, turning to walk away holding her back he turned to me
"what gym do you train at, I may come by to see you practice" gobsmacked my father still hadn't spoken so I filled in
"I train at my uncle joes gym, It's called silent fists" he nodded bid us goodbye, and left to mingle in the party. At this point I heard excited squeals erupt behind me, as two arms enveloped me, lifting me off the floor, I let it happen, then lent back into them, and kicked the person in the leg, turning and pushing one hand up his back. When I looked properly, I realised Logan was the culprit
"ow, ow, ow!" he was chirping, realising my mistake, I let him go
"I'm sorry" I tried to console him, rubbing his shoulder better, when he had recovered
"why would you sneak up on me like that!!"
"I said I'd be the one in a suit" he huffed
"Logan" I appeased, "everyone's in a suit," I said as though I was talking to a child "plus you were behind me, how was I supposed to see you?" I exclaimed. He stood for a moment pondering
"good point" he said before remembering his previous excitement, letting out more excited shouts
"you spoke to R, the R" he look shocked and excited "what did he say?" I had never seen Logan so excited around me; he was like a big dog. I shrugged and told him what happened when I noticed a cold glare coming my way from Aron, who was also in a suit; I stopped what I was saying
"erm, why is Aron looking at us like that?" Logan brushed it off,
"I don't care; he's being an ass" then carried on animatedly talking about the events that had happened that night. He stopped suddenly, looking at something over my shoulder and I narrowed my eyes, turning around to see what had happened finding my father's stony face frowning down at us,
"umm, I think I'm gunna go" Logan said and abruptly turned and strolled away 'wimp!' I thought to myself turning to my father, I bowed my head, to avoid eye contact,
"what the hell was that, now your just embarrassing me, I don't even know why I take you out sometimes" he sighed and walked away, leaving me stood alone 'oh because you take me out so damn often' I scowled.

Not wanting to stand like a lemon, I went to sit down at a nearby table. I had been at the table just listening to the music, when I heard a familiar cackle, looking up, I looked right into the eyes of Aron Fielding, and swinging on his arm, was a glammed up Gemma, sighing, I pretended I hadn't noticed them, and went back to listening to the music, but Gemma wouldn't have it,
"oh look what the cats dragged in, though at least this time she made an effort" both she and Aron laughed at that, but I didn't react further than clenching and unclenching my jaw. "What not speaking to me tonight?" Gemma said "just as well, now listen here bitch" she was cut off by a woman dressed in the most beautiful red dress I have ever seen
"why don't you run along and go and play with the children, while we chat like adults" at this we both snapped our heads around to see who spoke, smiling gratefully at the woman, she smiled before wiping her face of emotion, and turning her head back to Gemma and Aron,
"you heard, leave." In a huff they turned and left the table, as the lady in red sat down next to me.
"You must be Crimson" I scrunched my nose up,
"yeah, but I don't really answer to that, my name is Scarlett" the lady smiled
"I know, I have heard all about you, you are the highest ranking female we have had in our ring in about 20 years" my eyebrows rose in surprise at this new information she carried on "I'm your predecessor" she smiled, I opened and closed my mouth, speechless "I made it to rank at number 3 before I retired, but of course I was 4 years older and had more years' experience than you before I made it anywhere near there." She smiled at the memory "I fought for 7 years total" I did the maths in my head, I was 17, which meant that she retired at 21, but she started at 14, my eyes widened and she smiled again "what I came over here to speak to you about was joining me in running the fights" I sat for a moment confused
"I thought I already met R?" letting out a small chuckle she shook her head,
"no you met Mark, who everyone assumes is R, but we don't bother to correct them, my name is Rita" I sit gobsmacked, really unsure of what to do,
"um, I'm not really sure, I'm just doing this until I go to college next year" she nods her head "don't answer me yet," handing me a card with a number on it she shuffles forward on her seat, pulling me in closer and placing a kiss on my cheek "think about it darling," she places her hand on my knee giving it a gently squeeze then leant back, "you shouldn't let her intimidate you in your own territory, scratch that, you shouldn't let either of them intimidate you at any time" I look across to find her looking disdainfully at Gemma and Aron, as they sucked each other's faces, I sigh and shake my head
"I'm just trying to keep my head down, until I can move to another state" I say more to myself than to her, but she still hears, and gives my hand a gentle squeeze and an apologetic smile, "and oh my goodness, I love your eye shadow, is it Smash Box?" she asks randomly, causing me to look at her oddly but I answered her anyway "no, it's just a drug store pallet, it wasn't very expensive I don't think" that's when I realised that my father was stood behind us
"we're going, I've covered up your embarrassments " I nod, and he pulls me roughly by the arm, as I look behind me waving goodbye, and mouthing 'thank you' to the lady who rescued me. Unfortunately, I hadn't put the card in my pocket, and I hadn't been fast enough to pick it up when I was dragged away.

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