62. Self Defense

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The day was dragging past me, slower than ever, I had explained in every class that I hadn't done the homework that I had been given but not because I had gotten blood on it again, for which they set me extra homework. I sighed as I made it to Mrs. Walker's class leaning forwards onto my hands and placing my chin on top of them. As she strolled in her eyes immediately focused on me, and an almost sadistic smile played over her mouth. "Miss Fletcher, good to see you, have you done the work" I shook my head.
"Sorry miss, it got ruined, would it be possible for me to get another sheet?" the smile grew even more, 'my father and her would be freaking perfect for each other'
"of course you can have another sheet, tonight when you arrive for detention." I nodded, and placed my head back on my hands ignoring her frown.
"Miss Fletcher, you should sit up, and stop being so lazy, maybe if you paid more attention, then you would be able to get your work done instead of coming up with lame excuses" as she spoke she walked up the isle to me, and pushed me back in my chair, so my back was resting on the seat. I let some air escape my mouth, from the contact of my back. It hurt less now, but I still didn't want to lean on it
"yes miss" I grumbled ignoring the snickers from around the class
"if I had my way, I'd have you expelled, but since I didn't, you will follow my rules in this class" she grumbled. But I wasn't listening; my mind had drifted back to the ever intriguing topic of Nate again.

Since we were sitting exams that week, the classes that weren't revision classes were just fun classes, I hated it, but it meant that I wasn't in the house with my father, so I didn't complain. In P.E the staff had thought that they could use that time to teach us important life lessons, today was no different. The class stood in the gym, listening to the teacher as they showed the class different grips. I sighed and shifted my weight to the other foot, unintentionally drawing the teachers attention
"Am I boring you?" shouted the teacher, in an attempt to intimidate me. I shook my head, "no sir" I replied. My reply hadn't satisfied him "come here, and let's see if you are as good as you think" I shook my head
"sir, I don't..." he cut me off with a low growl
"get here kid or get detention" I nodded, and went to the middle of the circle. There were a few sniggers, from people around the circle, wanting to see me get knocked on my arse. I took a breath, and closed my eyes, getting ready. While they were closed he swing for me, but I heard him, and ducked out of the way, he swung again, and I blocked him. I was getting used to his posture, and he came for me again, this time with a kick, I blocked it and swiped my leg under his, flooring him. I heard some laughs coming from the class, but stepped back, attempting to go to my original place, but I heard him again start running for me. I stepped to the side and caught his arm turning my hips; I pulled back, and pushed down, bringing him to his knees. After a few seconds I let him go and went back to my place, but he was having none of it
"get here now kid" he was stood in the middle of the floor panting. I obliged and smoothly moved to the center with him with a sigh "don't you sigh at me girl" I bowed my head and clasped my hands together to play with my fingers
"sorry sir." I grumbled and took a deep breath, making sure not to piss him off again. He went for me again, repeatedly, and when I blocked them all he stopped. Growling at me
"if you were being attacked on the street, they wouldn't be moving that slowly" he was panting, but my breathing remained steady I shrugged
"I can go faster" but before I finished my sentence he was charging at me. I stepped backwards and turned, then swung my leg out and jumped, launching myself into a spin, I caught one side of his neck with one leg, and as I spun, my leg came into contact with the other side of his neck, as I kept spinning, I pushed my legs down, and dragged with him. Just before he landed on the floor I let go, and landed on my feet. He on the other hand landed on his face. I straightened up, and looked around to the shocked faces of the whole class; the teacher groaned and began to get up. But it was too late; I was already fleeing the building, shoving past the other gym teachers that were going out to see what was happening.

No one really spoke to me, the next few day, they just steered clear of me, throwing curious and scared glances my way now and then. But I ignored them, and carried on with my life

this chapter was mostly a filler, because i found this gif  (thats what i was attempting to describe in the chapter) and thought you should all see it, enjoy reading, and don't forget to comment and vote and whatnot :P

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this chapter was mostly a filler, because i found this gif  (thats what i was attempting to describe in the chapter) and thought you should all see it, enjoy reading, and don't forget to comment and vote and whatnot :P



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