18. Date

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Instead of changing into my usual ratty gym kit, I eased on my nice new kit that my dad had bought me, stuffing the food containers in the backpack along with my clothes along and the work that I had missed from class. Heading out of the changing rooms, I made it to the pavement outside the gates before I was greeted by Freddy, he leaned in to kiss me, and I put my hand up moving my head out of the way, "don't touch me" I began jogging towards the gym as I had intended, only to feel an arm snake around my waist, lifting me off the floor
"not so fast sugar" he said lifting me into the car and buckling me in as I squirmed in his hands
"get of me" I hissed as he locked the doors as I was begging him to let me out
"nope, we are going to have our first date" there was something dangerous in his eyes that made me stop fighting, but I kept my guard up plotting routes out of the car if he tried anything.

"So I read somewhere that girls like to do this so we are going to play 21 questions" he looked across at me
"so my first question" he looked slightly embarrassed "what's your name, not like your first name, your full name" he finished as I sat and looked out the window. After a moment, I replied,
"Scarlett," I sighed "Scarlett Mary Fletcher" he smiled
"okay, your turn" scrunching my face up, I decided I didn't want to know anything about him, so I just said
"same question" grinning he told me his name I could sense that the next question would be something I didn't like just from his facial expression
"so do the curtains match the drapes," he pointed to my hair, and then at my crotch "because it was dark, and you were shaved last time I was down there" I shivered, repressing the bile that flooded up my throat, giving him a curt nod, and ignoring his facial expression. "Your turn" I thought for a minute, looking around for inspiration, but I got nothing
"what's your favourite song?" I asked not really listening to his answer.
"why crimson fist? By the way it makes me at least 4 times harder knowing that you can fight " I shuddered, and ignored his comment,
"I don't know, my dad chose it, but I imagine it's because I have red hair, hence the crimson, and I hit with my fists" he nodded, and waited patiently for me to come up with a question, but I just shrugged "I'm out" he sighed, and resorted to asking more questions about things he wanted to know about me .

He pulled to a stop outside the gym, he lent over the centre panel in the car, looking at my confused face he said "I won't unlock the car until you kiss me" he looked at me, waiting for me to lean towards him
"please can't I just go and train, I really don't want to" I bit my lips as I noticed him clench his jaw and shake his head, getting angry, the look in his eyes was one of pure rage.
"Kiss me, and make it a good one" cautiously I leaned over the panel slightly, before he pulled my head forwards, not quite pressing our lips together, he looked down at my lips, I could feel his breath fanning out over my face as he spoke, "now" he said forcefully, gripping my jumper tighter as I tried to squirm out of his hold. I had no choice but to lean in the rest of the way, pressing my lips gently to his, and pulling away quickly, before going to open the door. Finding it still locked, he shook his head gritting out "do it properly" and pulling my head all the way back, and smashed our lips together, moving his mouth against mine, gripping my leg, making me reciprocate his kiss, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He slid his hand under my hood, to play with my hair, stopping when he found the back of my head to be shaved. He pushed me back and ripped down my hood, exposing my head. He looked at me in silence for a moment, considering me "what the hell did you do, why didn't you ask me first" I opened and closed my mouth, unsure what to say, and genuinely confused
"I don't" my mouth flapped around, uselessly "ask you?" I finally got out stupidly. He sighed at me
"baby, your mine, you are supposed to consult with your boyfriend whenever you make a change," he chuckled and just looked at me for a minute before breaking the silence with "mm, I think I like it," looking down at himself "nope, I definitely like it" I glanced at where his eyes were directed to find him massaging his erect cock; it took me all my strength not to scream and vomit on him. "Maybe next time sugar, but now you've got to train" he leaned over to me and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek I cringed, but let him do it. Hearing a click signalling the doors had been unlocked, I reached behind me, pulling the door handle and shuffling out as fast as I could making sure not to take my eyes off him until I was out of his reach. Once I was out, I calmly turned, closing the door, and ran inside.

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