39. Making an Appointment

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The next day at school, I sat through countless lectures on topics I already knew about, the lessons were dragging, and I avoided looking at the clock as it only showed how slow time was moving. It got to lunch, and I almost ran to the library, as I sat down at a computer, my fingers flew over the keys, looking for the information I needed my fingers flew faster and faster over the keys. I took down notes, and researched what I wanted, before leaving to make a few phone calls. I was stopped on my way out of the library by a grinning Logan, "hey," he said cheerfully,
"err, hey" I replied, unsure of why he was so happy,
"I've been looking for you" I frowned, no one is ever looking for me for a good reason, and I couldn't help but let it show on my face
"uhh, why?" I questioned
"can't I just want to hang out with you?" his smile got wider ad he said this and realization hit me
"I don't need your pity, or protection or whatever this is, I can look after myself," his face fell into a frown
"no, no, that's not why I'm here, I promise" I stood looking over his face suspiciously, but I could see the sincerity painted on his face so I let him tag along with me, as I walked up to the bleachers to sit in my usual space. We sat in silence for a moment, before I remembered why I had come out of the library
"hey, can I borrow your phone?" I smiled up at Logan,
"yeah sure," he said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, and unlocked it for me, I sat for a moment just looking at it before I realized that I had no clue how to work it, chewing my lip, I looked sheepishly up at him, and admitted it
"err, what do I do with it," he frowned at me and shuffled closer
"now that depends on what you want to do", as I sat frowning at the device I absentmindedly said,
"I need to make a phone call" in a flash the phone had a screen on it that had the key pad that was familiar to me, and smiling I took the phone, and dialed the number of the artist who's artwork I found in my research, and decided I decided that I liked.

The phone rang, a few times and someone answered just as I was about to give up.
"Hello Immy's ink" a gravelly voice spoke, forcing come confidence into my voice, I arranged an appointment
"hi I'd like to book an appointment with Mikey, for as soon as possible,"
"is that for a tattoo?"
"err, yeah, but more than one though, there will be quite a few" there was a pause
"how many are you thinking?" the voice asked, I counted up in my head
"ten, three small the rest big " I clarified
"all on one person" he asked, I was becoming conscious of Logan sat waiting for his phone back
"yes" I replied and a whistle came through the phone
"mm hard core, I like it " I huffed wanting to get off the phone,
"so can you do it?" I asked,
"I can come in today if you would like" I could hear the man on the other end of the line smiling
"sure, I'll see you at 4" I thought it over, school finished at ten past 3, and the parlor was 20 minutes away, so I had time to change and go.
"Okay, book it in the name Scar" Smiling I thanked the man, and put the phone down, before handing it back to Logan. The bell rang in the distance, and I saw people scurrying around the field to get to their lessons in time. Standing up I turned to say goodbye to Logan, only to find that he was already looking at me.
"What was that" he asked
"oh, erm, nothing, just a doctor's appointment" I lied and ran off before he could ask any more "I've got to go, see you later" I shouted over my shoulder as I made my way to class.

The rest of the day passed slowly, I sat and watched the hand count down until I could leave the school, I wasn't concentrating instead I sat and thought about how my scars would be covered up soon. As the bell went, I was bursting with happiness, and I was the first one out of the room. Getting to my locker, I pulled out the change of clothes I had brought with me, it consisted of a lose fitting flannel shirt, a black crop top, and a pair of jean shorts with the high tops that I was already wearing. I stuffed the books that I had in my bag into my locker, taking my note pad, bank card, and research I had done earlier, before making sure it was shut before going to change, and getting out of there.

AsI walked down the path out of school, I spotted Aron, Logan and Dave, laughingwith the cheerleaders, and just generally hanging out. Gemma shouted somethingto me, but I didn't want anything to spoil my good mood, so I ignored her andhurried onto where I was going. I didn't make it past the school gates before Iheard footsteps behind me, I turned to find Logan trying to catch up to me
"hey, wait, where are you going?" I looked at him slightly confused, but liedto him none the less
"home," he grinned, as though he had caught me out
"well you are walking the wrong way to be going home"
"how do you know, and what's it to you anyways?" I asked, a smile growing on myface as he became flustered, and a rosy blush spread up his neck and onto hischeeks. H recovered himself and a mischievous look glistened in his eyes.
"Well I'm not leaving you until you tell me why you have to go to the doctorsso urgently that you had to use my phone to book your appointment, even if thatmeans examining you myself" he grinned wickedly, and I gave up, flapping myhands,
"fine, I'm not going to the doctors, I'm going to see about getting a tattoo"he smiled even more, and I narrowed my eyes at him
"what?" my suspicion caused him to grin even more
"I already knew, I just wanted to hear you say it" this caused a small smile tosidle its way onto my lips, I put my head down so he couldn't see. He pulled meto a stop, tugging at my hand, so I couldn't go any further
"come on, let me give you a lift, I want to see what you decide on" he pulls meback to his car, opening the door for me to slide into the plush interior    

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