59. Birthday

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I arrived at the gym, early as usual. Slamming the door closed behind me. I was annoyed; my dad had still been awake and drunk when I got up at 4 that morning. It was a weekend, so he had ingested a concoction of liquids powders and goops so he could have a good night. He had woken me up, banging and stumbling around the house, while some woman giggled at him. I didn't want to hear the rest of what was planning with that woman, so I just left. I was at the gym in double time, furious that he was doing what he was, but determined not to interfere with it. I started working warming up, and things.

I had been in the gym about an hour before I started calming down, and it was another hour when I heard the keys jingle in the door, and quiet laughter. I sighed hoping that Joe was not bringing someone back to the gym. But stop my current exercise. About a minute later, I heard rustling, and looked up to see Joe and Nate stood with a big banner, and massive grins on their faces. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCARLETT" they screamed, bursting into fits of laughter, throwing glitter and popping party streamers onto me. I stood shocked for a moment, before a grin sprung on my face. They were both still laughing at me, as I went to give them both a hug.
"Jesus scar, we came early, and your already sweating, the suns not even up" Nate chuckled
"yeah, I've been here a while" I pulled my hand through my hair awkwardly, as we stood grinning each other before Joe interrupted us.
"Right, go get a shower, and you can use your first present now!" he said, throwing me a towel, and giving me a gift bag. I nodded and retreated to the showers, stripping off, and climbing under the water wondering how they knew it was my birthday. I put it out of my mind to get on with my day.

Once I was out of the shower, I opened the gift bag to find a bundle of red and black material, frowning I pulled it out of the bag, and held it up. It was a dress, there were white buttons down the front, I put it on, smiling as I finished the last buttons. It was very short, and flared out at the bottom. I smiled as I rolled the sleeves up so that they were ¾ lengths. I smiled and shouted out to the boys "I love it" as I span in the mirror. Then I moved onto my hair, taking it out of the bobble on top of my head, and combing it back off my face. I didn't have any product, so I made do with what I had, and then covered my face in the foundation that I always had with me, and added eyeliner and blush. Smiling I headed out to meet the boys, who greeted me by throwing a pair of velvet knee high boots at me.

"Put those on, and lets go get breakfast, quickly scar I'm hungry" I chuckled as Nate complained about his stomach in the end he got bored of waiting, and went to sit in the car leaving just me and Joe.
"Thank you uncle j, I don't know what to say" he chuckled waving me off
"scarlet, you are my only niece, if I can't spoil you, who do I spoil, now this whole days on me, and I don't want to hear about it, so come on lets go" I grinned, and pulled him into a fierce hug, surprising him, because generally I didn't get that close to other people unless I was flooring them. He gently wrapped his arms around me, returning the hug
"thank you for the dress, it's really pretty" he rubbed my back,
"oh, the dress was Nate's Idea" I smiled, and let go.
"oh, I guess I should thank him to" I said to myself as I put my leather jacket on.

When we got outside, Nate was stood by the car basking in the slowly rising sun. I walked up to him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Surprisingly, he pulled me closer, picking me up off the floor, causing me to wrap my legs around him. I gasped in surprise, as he place d a kiss on my cheek "happy birthday little red" he smiled shyly, which I returned, only to hear joe's deep voice

"you better put my niece down, before I kick your ass, just because she's 18 now doesn't mean I won't do it" I laughed slightly, as Nate put me down embarrassed.
"Thank you" I said nervously to Nate
"are you thanking him for kissing you now? Unbelievable!" Joe muttered. I blushed
"for the dress!" I said louder, aiming the comment mostly at Joe. Nate just nodded, and climbed into the driver's seat, while Joe opened the door for me. I climbed in and Nate set off driving.

"So where are we going" I asked once I was situated in the front seat, and Joe was comfortable in the back.
"Well it's your birthday, so we are going to have a fun filled day at the theme park" I smiled at Joe, and tensed slightly Nate reached his hand out off his gear stick, and rested his hand on my leg as though to calm me, causing me to smile at him. He left his hand there, only moving it to shift gears, then replacing it and rubbing across my exposed thigh slightly. The gesture was comforting, and helped me relax.

"Just because I'm in the back, doesn't mean I can't see you touching her Nate" Joe joked I blushed, while Nate laughed along, and sqeezed my knee slightly "god, why can't you two just get it together already" I bit my lip thinking of the kiss from that night, we both stayed silent causing Joe to look up wide eyed "you already did didn't you" he looked between the two of us, pulling himself up in the gap between the two chairs "oh Jesus, I hope you used protection" he teased, causing me to go redder, and redder, before Nate chimed in

"no I didn't sleep with Scarlett" I just remained looking out of the window as Joe teased us and gave us sex tips.

After the overly embarrassing car journey, which lasted for what felt like hours, we climbed out of the car. Joe looked me over, "don't think I didn't notice that ink down your legs" he pointed at my tattoos, and I cringed slightly, before grinning, "I like it, makes you look fierce" then he grabbed my hand and skipped away like a big child, screaming about how he liked theme parks. I grinned and grabbed Nate's hand before I could be abandoned with this nutter. We ran through the park, like three excited puppies, going on every ride we could, playing every game in sight, and just being general nuisances. We took pictures, and it was generally the best birthday I had had for a long while. I smiled the whole day.

We sat down to eat something; way after the sun had gone down. We had stayed, because I wanted to see the park with all its lights on. As we walked through all the rides Nate had held my hand while Joe walked beside us. When we finally got to the restaurant, the three of us sat at a table.
"I have to go to the bathroom" Nate said, as he stood up leaving me and Joe to carry on the conversation. As Nate got out of ear shot, Joe changed to topic completely
"so Nate, huh" I frowned, unsure what he meant
"what about him?" I asked
"Scarlett I've seen the way you look at him, I'm not stupid" I sat, blushing lightly, as Joe carried on talking "he looks at you the same way," I frowned, wondering how I was looking at him, but dragged my attention back to what Joe was saying "so what's happening with you two?" he asked, causing me to shake my head, slightly confused
"nothing," how it was his turn to frown
"nothing? But you're so cute together" I raised an eyebrow "do you want something to happen between you two?" I shrugged unsure
"I, err, I don't know" I said looking in the direction that Nate had just walked, only so see him appear back in my line of vision
"well give it some thought, he's a nice guy, and he likes you" my eyes flicked over to Joe, with a soft smile as Nate came back.
Just as we finished our desert, there was a large commotion behind us, and then music kicked in. I turned to see the whole staff assembled behind me with a large cake and candles that glowed dimly as they brought it to me, singing happy birthday at the top of their lungs. By the time my face was bright red while Joe and Nate joined in with the singing, adoring expressions on their faces as they watched me blow out my candles.

'I wish for happiness' I thought as the last candles flame flickered and went out

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