66. The Fight

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The crowd was wild as per but I knew it would only get louder as my match was announced, especially when they announced it was a retirement match. people were jumping around, and grabbing my shoulders, getting me ready for the fight. The announcer called my name as I made my way to the ring, I could see massive amounts of money being passed around, between people, over the betting desk, and some given to the referee. I honestly didn't know why he was there, it wasn't like he ever took any kind of rules into his consideration.

"And tonight is a very special match, for a very special lady. She's got new ink, and will be off to a new city" I shoved my way through the crowd, past my father, who so far hadn't realized the announcer was talking about me, leaving me safe until I got into the ring the place where no one was allowed except those who are fighting. The announcer spotted me as I got close, and he made sure that there was a gap before shouting into the mic. "And here she is, its CRIMSON FIST!!" the crowd went silent for a few moments and then erupted into shouts of glee that the big money was on tonight I had managed to claw my way into second rank over the past few fights, refusing to leave a single person standing, taking on more than one person at once. I had been more and more brutal, so brutal in fact that I heard they had changed my caption on the site, to "she fights like she's got nothing left" which I didn't, not any more, I either wanted to die or leave, so I was happy to fight that way. I looked over to my father, as realization dawned on his face. I could see the anger begin to creep to the surface, but I wasn't scared for once, because I knew he couldn't get to me, a smile cracked onto my face. this was my home, he couldn't hurt me here, and I knew I looked crazy, because the referee shuffled away from me slightly. Turning away I ran through my technique in my head I could not lose this fight or any of the others I was doing tonight.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself and began to focus on the task in hand. The bell rang, and the first swing came towards my face, faster than anyone else I had ever fought. The first collided with my jaw and I stumbled back because of the force, but I used the time to form a plan in my head. I dodged the next hit that was aimed for me
"There's a reason that I'm number 1 sugar" I heard the man sneer over the shouts of the crowd. His voice was enough to make my skin crawl, but I didn't flinch at his words, only began to concentrate more on what I was doing. I kept control over the hit I wanted to deliver to his head, instead dropping my hands slightly and remaining where I was, I could hear Nate shouting me to put my guard back up, but I knew what I was doing... hopefully.

I tensed waiting for his inevitable onslaught, while I waited for the moment to make my move. When I had first seen the man, I knew he was cocky, and I knew he didn't use his brain to fight, I had seen him do it before, he waits for his opponent to get weak and then fire punch after punch at them. I waited for him to tense the muscles he uses to punch then stepped out of the way of the hit. I knew my next few moments would hurt, because I had angered him, when I sneered after he missed me. I took the next few hits like a champ, feeling the pain radiate through me. I took this time to study the crowd over his shoulder. Seeing the crowds elated faces as they watched the fight. Another hit came and he moved over slightly. I could see my father's grim smile, ad he thought I would go down and be forced to stay and fight for him. As I scanned the crowd, I could see the worried faces of Logan, and Mark stood at the side, waiting for me. Rita was stood nearby, she was stood tall, and proudly as she does every retirement match. I looked around her and saw David leant against a wall with a look of distain on his face.

Another hit came to my stomach making my knees buckle, but I caught hold of the other fighter. Clutching him to me as though I needed him to stand, but I didn't, I could take a hit better than he realized, it was all part of my plan. Once I was in position, I delivered on sharp kick to his knee, and flattened my palm to his chest before twisting and hitting him in the face with my elbow. Apparently he didn't get hit as often as I did, so he didn't take it well. I took full advantage of this, and in one smooth movement I span, lifting my leg and catching his neck in the crook of my leg. Using my momentum to drag him to the floor but he caught me part way, and I wasn't able to smash him into the floor. As he straightened back up, I readjusted myself and and pulled myself up onto his shoulders, and interlocking my knees and dragging him down as I used my body weight falling forwards. Rolling away from him, I hoped he was knocked out, but even though he had hit the floor, he was still conscious. Moving quickly, I took advantaged of his stunned state, standing up, I delivered a swift kick to his face, using as much power as I could muster, therefore finishing the match.

The crowd went wild, as I stood dazed from actually winning the match, I could see shocked faces all around me, as the crowd tried to make sense of what happened. I felt my hand lifted as I made my way over to where I had dropped my bags, shooting goodbye waves around the arena then I was off. Running before my father could get to me and drag me home, I had timed everything so that I would be on the last second, there would be no waiting around so my father could find me. My match had over run, but I knew I could make the train if I ran. I already had my tickets in my hand as I sprinted down the platform getting to the door of the train station.

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