53. Finding a Date

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Since I had nothing better to do, with my time, I had spent the next day preparing for Rita's birthday, finding some black ribbon to tie around the shiny red bag with a bright white Cartier logo stamped on it; finding and writing a card for her, ironing my dress, shaving my legs, and attempting to give myself a manicure and a pedicure. I had tired myself out, but not enough that I could sleep, so I had slipped out of my room to go in search of my father and make sure he knew about the party tomorrow.

I found him in the living room, with a blonde lady sat giggling in his lap. I stood in front of them and cleared my throat.
"Fuck off bitch" my father growled not looking up, but I ignored him and began speaking anyway
"have you seen the note on the table" I asked
"no, what does it say" I sighed, looking away from the scene unfolding in front of me my father was sucking on the woman's neck, and she was moaning. I sighed and went to get the invite that was his
"here you go" I handed it to him, and he stopped for a minute to read
"I have one two, it says I need to bring a date" my father frowned down at it, then looked at the woman
"how would you like to go out tomorrow," she smiled and gushed over my father,
"oh my god yes, I love a man in a suit" she slurred in what was supposed to be a seductive tone, running her hands down his chest. I grimaced and looked away
"well I'll put on my best party frock" they giggled together as my father buried his face in her over exposed chest. I rolled my eyes and looked away from them
"I'll find my own date don't worry" turning to walk away, I heard her moan again, so instead of going upstairs like I had intended, I grabbed my keys and left.

I walked and walked and eventually I found myself on a park, there was a pond, and grass, the ducks that are usually there were nowhere to be seen, and no one was around, but I wasn't surprised, since the sun had long since set. I moved to go and stand in front of the pond. Grabbing some rocks that I found I began skimming them over the calm water, and watching the ripples flow over the surface.
"Scarlett?" I heard my name, and turned to see a dark shadow walking towards me. I relaxed a little when I realized that it was Nate though I was still surprised to see that he was there "what are you doing here?" he asked I held up the rock in my hand
"just letting off some steam" he smiled then grabbed a handful of rocks
"yeah, I know that feeling" I smiled as we both ran out of rocks and went to sit on a bench and watch the moon rise
"what seems to be the problem?" he asked I thought for a moment, then came clean
"I have to go to a formal ball tomorrow, and" I huffed a breath "I don't have anyone to go with!" Nate remained quiet for a moment then chuckled
"ah the prom date jitters" I frowned
"it's not prom, I'm not going to prom,"
"oh?" he asked
"no, it's the head of this club that dad's part of, I'm not allowed to not go, or he'll be kicked out." I huffed
"I'm not allowed to go without a date" I sighed, "even my dad's got a date" I sighed again and flopped over the back of the bench. Nate didn't respond for a while, then he said
"I can be your date" I didn't move thinking about it, then I sprang up straight
"really, I mean seriously, why didn't I think of that" I bounced excitedly, as Nate chuckled at me. Eventually I sat down and was quiet for a minute, then said
"so why are you here?" Nate was quiet for a minute, then released an angry breath
"Katlyn, she split up with me" I thought for a moment and then realized that she was his most recent of a long string of girlfriends, I turned to rub his back gently
"I'm sorry, why did she end it" he pushed out more breath then lent forwards on his knees "because of you" he had lost me I was definitely confused
"apparently you were all I ever talked about, how well your fighting's coming on, how fast you pick new things up, how strong you are" I stayed quiet, waiting for him to carry on "she said, if she's so good why don't you fuck off and be with her then" we both laughed at that "I was going to go get drunk, but then the last time I did that I had a near miss with jail, so I came here" I smiled at him in the darkness
"well, you can drink tomorrow, and I'll look after you," he looked up at me
"promise?" I smiled some more holding out my pinky finger
"promise" he took it and we grinned, turning back to admire the view with smiles on our faces.
"Come on, I'll take you home" Nate said after a while. Standing we walked side by side back to his car and he drove me home, teasing each other all the way.

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