46. Sentencing

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I made it to the principal's office, and took a seat waiting for my punishment. But wasn't left to wait for long, as not even a minute later the door slammed open, and Mrs Walker stormed through, glaring at me and then barged into the principal's office. As I sat there, my mind ran wild trying to figure out what I was going to do if I got expelled, as I sat thinking over what I would do, the door swung open, and the principal beckoned me in and told me to sit.

"Mrs Walker tells me that you have violated the school policy, she says you have multiple tattoos which you cover using clothing" I nodded when she didn't carry on speaking "Scarlett, you know that you're not allowed those, did you think about your future when you got them. What are they going to look like when you're older, will they stop you from perusing the career that I know you are capable of. What do you have to say for yourself?" I didn't speak for a moment, just looked at the two sat in the office with me, taking a deep breath I steeled myself, saying in a very soft voice "I'm not going to be expelled am I?" Mrs Stanstead looked at me and sighed, removing her glasses, and rubbing her temples. She leaned her arms on the desk. "We aren't going to expel you Scarlett, but can you tell me why you did it?" I released the tension I was holding in an exhale that was almost a sigh, and sat back in my chair
"I thought they were pretty, so I got them" I shrugged, to make it seem like it was a casual gesture, but I could tell that she didn't believe me. She sighed and sat back up, slid her glasses back on
"fine, we won't expel you, since you are such a high achieving student, I know you are rebelling, but you have to think about the decisions that you make, this one will surely hinder your future, I know it's seen as cool to have them, but think about I, you don't see any doctors with tattoos, how could you jeopardise your..." I gave up listening after that, thinking that it was only pictures, it wasn't like they were offensive, and no you don't see doctors with tattoos, but I don't plan on being a doctor, plus there are ways you can cover them up, with clothes or concealer, it's not like I was going to get any on my face. I sighed out loud, and the principal was still speaking, but I wasn't listening. Eventually I vaguely heard "we will have to suspend you, effective immediately" she picked up the phone and dialled a number that was written down in my file which I hadn't noticed was in front of her until now.
"Nonsense, she is never paying attention in my class, she obviously cheats, she is always glazed over, don't think I haven't noticed you missy" Mrs Walker jabbed her finger at me then directed her attention back to her boss. "Expel her, she is a good for nothing liar anyway" I frowned and tensed up, but kept my opinions to myself so that my punishment wasn't made worse. As Mrs Stanstead calmed down the other teacher, I glanced down at the number that she was calling my mother's number had been crossed out, and my father's number was number that was written down. My face went pale, as I heard her say
"no, she will receive two week's suspension. I will call her father now to come and get her," I took a deep calming breath, then remained still, blocking out the conversation. I must I froze in fear, and my vision started to tunnel until I got myself under control. It took a while, and the next thing I knew my father was ordering me to go and get in the car while he spoke to the principal, he didn't smell of booze for once, which was always a plus, but that didn't mean he was sober. When we made it home, my father was strangely calm. He sent me to my room while he decided my punishment. Like having to spend two weeks with him wasn't bad enough

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