11. First Time

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this was originally two chapters, but because the first one was about 300 words long, I put them together

also, the song that is attached goes with the second chapter, but I'm not sure if you can listen to the video and read at the same time, so ill put it at the top, and just tell you when to play it. Enjoy!

G xoxo

I made it just in time for the first bell, and walked straight to my first class to begin another day of torture. I was good at my subjects, and was essentially a straight A student, this was so that my record remained clean, and I could get into a collage that was nowhere near here, away from my dad, Freddy, and this town, the only person I planned on keeping in touch with was Joe, because he is the only family member who I don't resent. As I sat in maths Mr Steinbeck called me to stay behind after class which I obliged not wanting to mar my perfect record. After class he came to my desk "Scarlett are you okay, you don't look so good" he looked concerned, giving him a fake smile

"yeah, I'm fine, I'm just not wearing any makeup today" I ran my fingers down my face and smiled up at him, "was that all?" looking surprised he sat down on the desk in front of me, and turned to face me

"I need a favour" I furrowed my eyebrows and waited for him to continue "see I need you to tutor someone for me, just for a few weeks" I raised my hand to smooth down my hair, and shook my head,

"I'm sorry I can't, I don't have time to" that and I don't want to I thought. Mr Steinbeck looked deflated and pleaded with me

"wait you can't say no yet, just meet them, you might change your mind" with this the door swung open, to reveal none other than Arron Fielding. Looking over Mr Steinbeck grumbled "your late, now sit down," turning to me he said, "Scarlett, please" he looked over at me to be greeted by a scowl that I had learned from father, apparently he was good for something "no." I got up to leave, and he put his hand on my arm causing me to tense up which he must have felt since I'm quite muscular now, I regarded him coolly, and he visibly shrunk but said

"I'll give you one extra credit per grade he raises while you tutor him, please, I've tried everything else I could think of, your my last hope" he begged I held my ground and repeated

"no," before walking away from the room. That was going to cause me trouble later.

(see I told you it wasn't very long.... anyways, now would be a good time to play the video)

That night at the gym, I was training with Nate, when my father appeared, causing my grip to falter, and allowing Nate to flip me, and pin me, the flip slammed me back into reality, and I tapped out of the hold he had me in. he immediately let go and got up, starting to lecture me on what I had done wrong, but I wasn't listening then he shouted and smacked me in the face to get my attention "Scarlett are you listening to me," he was getting angry, I could see it in his face but I couldn't focus on it, as I could hear my dad laughing at me in the background

"I'm sorry, I got distracted" SMACK, it wasn't a hard smack, but enough to shock me back into the room.

"don't ever get distracted, distractions can lose you the fight," he paused "repeat it" when I didn't reply, he hit me again SMACK, "repeat it " he growled, causing me to jump shacking my head

"distractions can lose you the fight, sorry," I looked over to my father, who was grinning sadistically at my humiliation, he put a brown paper bag down on the edge of the matt said "put this on, then come and get in the car, we have places to be" looking over to Nate I said goodbye, and went to put on whatever was in the paper bag, remembering last time he demanded this of me, he sold my virginity

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