20. Fixing it

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He ushered me into the house, closing the door behind us "this is my house, it's not much, umm bathrooms through there, living rooms through there, I'm just going to go to the kitchen, and I'll be right out, don't worry about noise, no one is home," he turned and walked into the room I assumed was the kitchen. Walking through to the bathroom, I caught a glance of myself in the mirror. I must have been crying at some point because my face was blotchy and tear stained, I looked dishevelled, and the hat I was wearing wasn't even on straight, I reached up my good hand, and took it off, wiping some water over my face, and going back to the living room, it was spacious, the floor was wooden, and the chairs were dark leather, there was a large TV on a wall, with fire place underneath it, looking around I found Aron crouched down lighting it. He stood and looked me over "nice hair," it had been weeks and no one had seen my hair thanks to a collection of hats I would wear whenever I left the house, along with hoods that I would keep up at all times. Aron gestured to the chair I was stood next to, for me to sit down; I looked across to find all the stuff he had bought, spread out on a towel. Sitting down I looked up saying
"I think I'm gunna need your help with this" I watched him as he walked across the room dragging a chair with him and sat across from me, I took a deep breath and unzipped the jacket I was wearing, taking one arm out of it, and carefully working the other one free. I dropped it on the floor, revealing that under the jacket I only had on a sports bra. I ignored the shocked intake of breath as he looked over my battered and scarred body stomach. While I waited for him to recover himself I inspected my arm and held some ice on it that Aron hat brought back from the kitchen
"have you ever set a bone before?" he shook his head
"no", he said aloud when he realised I was concentrating on my arm
"me either," I held my injured hand out to him which he took gently, "okay so this next part is gunna suck for me, but ignore that, and keep pulling until you hear me say stop, ready on 3, pull back," I counted up to three, and he began pulling, taking ragged breaths, and cussing, we pulled my arm back into position. I took 3 of the metal rods I had found, placing them over my arm, I taped them down, following up with bandages before standing and taking the alcohol with me, grabbing a towel I looked down my body and wiped them clean. When I got to my arm, I noticed fairly new knife wound had opened and blood was trickling down my arm, it needed re-stitching so that it could heal. Sighing I turned back to Aron to find him already looking at the wound
"do you have a needle and thread?" I enquired holding my hand up to the oozing wound; he shot up looking slightly queasy 'how does he fight if he's scared of a little knife wound' I thought as he returned with the stuff I asked for, plus a bottle of something, which he unscrewed, and handed to me
"I saw it on a film once" he stated as I looked questioningly at the bottle, it was vodka, I chuckled slightly, as shaking my head, and offering a small smile before turning to pick up the cleaning alcohol making my way to the bathroom, I stood in the mirror so that I could see the cut sterilising the needle and thread, before stitching myself back up. I hadn't closed the door so when I got about halfway done, Aron's head appeared in the doorway, he still looked a little pale, but I carried on sewing until I had finished, cutting the thread with the scissors that Aron handed me, and bandaging over it.

I turned around to face Aron, he looked shocked for a moment, then his eyebrows furrowed as he spoke
"how are you so tough," his eyes got a faraway look in them as he stepped closer, "you always seemed so strong to me, never crying when I hit you" I stepped back out of his way until I came into contact with the cold tiled wall, but he followed me. Leaving me trapped. He lifted his hand to my cheek once he was directly in front of me, I bowed my head so he couldn't look at my face "or limping when I hurt you're injured, you even came to school with a concussion, on more than one occasion" he trailed his hand down to my chin tracing my jaw line before cupping my head, and pulling me in to kiss me. Shocked I began to kiss back until his hand trailed down to my neck. Images of what happened with Freddy flashed in front of my eyes as I panicked, I let out a strangled cry as I pushed back, making him stumble back a few steps
"no, no, no, please don't do this, I can't do this again" I and crumbled to the floor and curled in on myself as the images flashed past my eyes, making me relive the moment Freddy gripped my neck, I curled up tighter, protecting my head, as his face got more and more angry. Somewhere in the midst of all this I heard Aron's voice, calling my name, trying to calm me, but the images kept coming leaving me helpless on the floor.


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