45. The Crime

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The following Monday, school resumed, and after spending my Saturday morning with Logan, I could have been in a worse mood. It's not often I have a real person to talk to, and Logan was a welcome distraction from things. He had come shopping with me, but I made him go home and get some rest while I got my tattoo done, and that was the last I had heard of him for the weekend. I slipped out of the warm bed and padded across the floor. I could've used a few more hours sleep, but every time I closed my eyes the nightmares would loom back out of their fiery depths of hell, so I got up and put on my jogging gear, I refused to torture myself. I still had hours before school started so I warmed up and started running making it twice around my usual route twice before the sun began to show itself telling me it was time to go home.

I took a shower and went to find some clothes, sighing when I realised that I hadn't done any washing yet, so most of my clothes couldn't be worn. I rummaged through my draws and found an old denim shirt that had press studs rather than buttons up the front, I hadn't worn it for a while, because I preferred longer tops now, but I didn't have much choice, save of putting on clothes that were dirty. I pulled on my black jeans, and Nike high tops, and then moved to my mirror to cover up the marks on my face thinking nothing more of my outfit I grabbed my bag and left for school.

"Scarlett, come here please," I straightened up from collecting my book out of my bag when Mrs Walker my English teacher called me over. I obliged, seeing no reason why I shouldn't, but proceeded cautiously.
"Yes Mrs Walker?" I asked curious as to what she wanted.
"Lift the front of your shirt" she tilted her head down waiting for me to do as she asked, looking back up at me when I pulled it down "Scarlett, I said lift up your shirt" she said, her voice becoming stern. You see Mrs Walker was not someone who would allow you to disobey her; she would wait until you did as she asked. And that is just what happened. After I attempted to stare her down, I eventually gave up, and showed her the large profile of a lion splayed across my hip in all its glory, covering one of the scars that resided beneath it.

She sucked in a breath, as her face contorted in disgust "Scarlett fletcher, we do not tolerate violation of the schools policy, and tattoos, are definitely a violation," by this time she had the whole classes attention. They looked on, curiosity burning in their eyes "a tattoo this large, can only result in your expulsion, you're not even old enough for a tattoo, how did you get it," I didn't reply, I was thinking over what was happening in my head, suspension would mean that they would call my father, and that was not going to be good by any stretch of the imagination. I could vaguely hear the ramblings of Mrs Walker in the background, but I was too deep in thought, expulsion meant not finishing high school, not finishing high school meant not going to college, and that meant not getting out of the ring or away from my father. As I was thinking this I felt her grasp the bottom of my shirt and wrench it higher, revealing that most of the front of my torso was covered in tattoos, but not all of my scars had been covered yet. I grasped at my shirt trying to push it down, and cover myself from the classroom full of people. I stepped back out of her reach, as anger washed over me but I kept a tight lid on it; I changed my stance slightly, and said in a very soft, calm tone,
"don't touch me" I saw the teacher visibly shrink and take a step away from me. The gasps from other class members did not go unnoticed by me as I wasn't usually one for confrontation, but then again, people don't usually touch me, and if you catch me in a particularly bad mood, I am able to tap into the hateful neglect I feel from almost everyone, and push it into my own voice, in something that can only be described as threatening coldness, it doesn't happen very often, but generally when I do use that tone, people do what I ask of them. Mrs Walker began speaking again
"go to the principal's office now, ill sort you out when I get there." I could tell that she was fuming because I had managed to scare her. I turned and walked out of the room before she could start shouting again but I could still feel the whole class staring after me burning holes of curiosity into my head.

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