19. broken

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I couldn't sleep, in my head the scene of being forced to kiss Freddy prevented me from even closing my eyes, and nightmares woke me up when I did. For weeks, I'd been fighting, I won most of my fights, but I didn't like to keep track, the ring was brutal, I had coughed up blood on more than one occasion, and had my ribs broken too but I won some as well. The scars on my body began to mount, splaying across my belly, some looking more brutal than others, since I had taught myself how to stitch them up. As I got better, more people had begun to pull weapons on me, knives, bats and one guy was even wearing knuckle dusters, (now that beating hurt). After the first time someone pulled a knife on me, Nate had given me weapons training, and shown me how to defend myself from multiple people at once, so that I could stay safe, he realised that I was fighting there after I turned up with dodgy stitches that I had done myself on my arm.

That day I got out of bed earlier than normal pulled on my sports clothes and headed downstairs. When I made it downstairs my dad was sat in the kitchen staring at his phone, he turned his head, showing me his tear stained face; I looked at the time wondering why he was still awake. Usually he had passed out by this time and was face down in a gutter somewhere. He stood up, and hurled the phone at my head, "it's your fucking fault you bitch" he screamed, as he barrelled towards me fists flying, even though he was absolutely wasted, he still landed a few hits, catching me across my jaw, and in my ribs, as I blocked one of his fists, he used his other hand to grab my arm and twist it behind my back making me turn to reduce the pain that was radiating throughout my body. Breathing heavily he twisted some more causing me to cry out
"dad, please, you're hurting me," my cries only angered him more as he started ranting
"you fucking bitch, she won't even answer now because of you, she won't come back because of you, so why don't you do what she did and just fuck off" with that he jarred my arm up. A sickening crunch caused me to scream, and fall to the floor in a whimpering mess "but no one would want you, so where would you go?" he mused aloud as he walked away. I lay on the floor for a moment whimpering and pulling my injured arm to me, cradling it for a moment, before I gathered my wits about me thinking 'I need to leave before he comes back.' I used all my strength to calmly walk to the door, and leave the house.

I quietly walked down the street clutching the arm to me, careful not to disturb the early morning slumber that seemed to envelop the town. The bright lights of an all-night store came into view and slowly trudged towards it. When I was nearly there, car tires sounded behind me, but I didn't look round. I didn't even want to know what hassle was approaching me now, not that I could defend myself. "Oi," I heard someone shout then I heard the sound of a car door opening, and footsteps coming towards me. A face appeared in front of me smirking then a look of concern registered across those eyes as I huffed in a shaky breath, still cradling my arm, I tried to walk around the person blocking my way but they just stepped in front of me, I stumbled and they caught me before I fell forward catching my injured arm. I cried out a strangled scream of pain when pressure was applied by the person catching me. The sudden pain caused the daze that been misting my thoughts to clear, and I was able to focus on the person looking down on me.

I found Aron stood in front of me looking at my hand "shit" he mumbled, as he looked down on my arm, which was currently lay in an unnatural position cradled in my other hand.

I stepped around him more successfully this time, avoiding his gaze; I didn't want his pity, I just wanted to set my arm, get some pain killers, and to go to sleep. When I made it into the store I took a second to get my bearings and think what I need to set my arm, I headed for the pain killers, and chose Tylenol and ibuprofen, then I went to find medical tape, and the rest of the supplies that I would need to take care of myself. I was looking for something that I could use to splint my arm when Aron found me again "what happened?" he looked concerned and annoyed at the same time, I went back to looking over the things I would need "was it that Freddy guy" I didn't look up at him but quietly responded
"no it wasn't him," my voice came out thick and horse, but I didn't care, I just wanted to go. Seeing that I was struggling with the items I was holding Aron reached out and plucked the things from my hand, I decided that this wasn't worth a fight, so I continued looking for something to splint my arm with, thankfully, I found some metal rods in the store, picking them up, I went to the till to pay , the lady at the till looked at me with worried eyes as I waited for her to give me my things
"that's $18.98, please" I patted down my pockets with my good hand realising that I didn't bring any money with me, I sighed and turned to leave when a hand holding $20 was pushed in front of me as I watched in shock
"what, you didn't think I was going to leave you did you?" he grabbed his change and the bag full of supplies before turning to go. I followed him out of the store, to his car, he opened my door to get in, and I stood, completely bewildered
"Aron, I can't pay you back, I don't have any money" I shook my head
"I'm sure you can return the favour in another way" I searched his face for something, anything that would tell me why he was being this nice as he ushered me into the escalade, but all I found was his usual smirk, so I supposed he just felt sorry for me.

I settled into the car, and he switched on the engine bringing the car to life, I zoned out for a moment "umm, do you want me to take you home, or to that Freddy guys place" I tensed at the mention of both of the things, then shook my head
"I don't want to go there" Aron hummed, and took a left turn, we drove for a few more minutes, with nothing filling the car but the smooth sounds of Lauryn hill a song I knew came on and I quietly sang along
"but If I lack love then I have nothing at all" it was a trick that I had learned from my grandmother before she died, she used to say "whenever you are sad, sing, it makes you feel better, stops the tears and lifts the spirits, lets you remember the good things" as I felt the years of torment fall away from me for the few moments that I was singing, Aron chose then to speak bringing me to an abrupt stop, and a blush spread across my face
"Christ are you good at everything?" I hadn't sung in years, and my voice was still raw with pain, I hadn't meant for him to hear and I'm sure my singing was terrible. He glanced over at me, and placed his hand on my knee giving it a light squeeze before returning his hand to the steering wheel. I flinched and shuffled away from him as best I could, but I don't think he noticed.

Pulling over to the curb, he got out, and came around to open my door while I surveyed the area around me, seeing rows of houses with cars parked in their drives. When he pulled it open he stood in the way of me getting out until I looked at him "you can tell me what happened you know, I won't hurt you" he looked over my face, stepping back when he realised I wasn't going to tell him.

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