35. Bled Through

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The next few days were some of the hardest of my life, I hadn't slept, I couldn't think about anything else but that night. Freddy had made some pretty bad memories, and even though I didn't want to talk about it, I couldn't help but think about him. I was basically a mess on the inside but then again I was always a mess, so no one else noticed. Even though I hadn't slept I had to concentrate, and make sure that my focus at school didn't waver, I had to get away from here, so I threw myself into school, not speaking to or acknowledging anyone. I didn't go to the gym either anymore, not while I was like this, I just stayed after school and used the punching bag they had in P.E. I didn't speak to my father either, not even when he hit me; I could tell that he knew he had done wrong, the beatings got les brutal, and he had this sad look in his eyes whenever he looked at me, and he didn't stay around me for long, not that I was ever near him anymore. I had other things on my mind, and I just wanted to leave, before my life got any worse, I didn't even want to go to college, I just had to disappear.

It was Friday, and I was dying for the weekend to come around so that I didn't have to bother pretending to be okay, I could just put on a coat, and go sit outside next to a river I run past. But I had to wait a whole day for that to come. I was currently in the corridor at school, but I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped and turned to flip the person, but I realised who it was
"Jesus Scar, are you okay, you've been gormless all week, what happened to your eye" I snapped my attention up to see Logan looking down on me, concern crinkling the sides of his eyes as he scanned me. My eye had a big red mark through it, from when my father had hit me, a blood vessel had burst in my eye, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I just had to leave it and let it heal.
"Shit, Scarlett, your bleeding" I looked down from his face, paling at my latest injury inflicted on me by my father with a bottle, I hadn't moved fast enough, and he had caught me with the crooked shard of glass he was wielding just above my left hip. I had made a judgement call, that I didn't need to stitch it, so I had put a bandage over it and went to bed. Now the blood was seeping through my white shirt I realised that I was wrong. When I zoned back in I saw Logan moving towards me reaching out to help, stepping back I raised my hands in a defensive gesture my eyes wide
"wha-what are you doing" he stopped moving,
"I'm trying to help you" I let out a tense breath
"err okay" he carried on moving towards me, getting an arm around me, he started taking me somewhere
"where are we going?" I asked he gave me a curious look
"to the nurses office, we need to get you sorted out" he carried on pulling me towards there, but I forced him to stop as I thought for a moment
"no, I can't go there, they will start asking questions" Logan looked down on me like I was a crazy person "okay, we need, a needle and thread, something to sterilise everything, something to mop up the blood, fresh bandages and a change of shirt" Logan's expression changed to one of bewilderment. I rolled my eyes sighing "well I have to stitch it up, otherwise I'm gunna bleed everywhere " he nodded
"right, okay, " ignoring him I got straight to the task in hand
"go get the needle and thread, they will have them in textiles, I have everything else in my locker , shit" he looked at me distressed
"what's wrong?" he reached his hands out to hold me up and steady me and I waved him off
"I don't have a change of t-shirt" I had sports bras, but I never brought t-shirts because I would only end up taking it off when I got too hot. He smiled a little,
"don't worry, I can get you that, I'll meet you at your locker" I nodded, and began walking towards the girls bathrooms. When I was in there, I bought four sanitary napkins and picked up a spare roll of toilet paper stuffing it all into my bag before walking through the hordes of people in between me and my locker. On the way I spotted Logan with his hand up some girls skirt, I think her name was Daphne, but that wasn't important, I was more concerned that he would have touched the needle and thread with those hands, I cringed and made sure that I would sanitize everything twice.

I made it to my locker, and emptied the contents of my bag into it replacing my books with the things I would need to stitch myself back up. As I was putting in the last of the things in my bag; I heard Logan arrive. "Oaky I got it" he grinned triumphantly, I grimaced, then forced a small smile onto my face, as I turned to face him
"good, let's find an empty room" I smiled and we began walking, I pulled my jacket over the blood stain on my top, as we made our way down the corridor. Logan suddenly stopped, and turned to a door
"I come here when I don't feel like going to class" I looked over to where he was pointing then walked through the door. Logan followed me in, and flicked the lights on, before coming to a stop in front of me.

As I sat taking deep breaths making sure I was calm before I started, I thought through the process that I had to go through, so that I didn't do anything wrong, and make more pain for myself or develop an infection. After a moment, I sat up straighter, and set everything I needed out on a desk nearby. Then pulling my shirt over my head, I sat on the same desk, and opened one of the sanity napkins, placing it over the cut and holding it there, lying back and pushing my hips towards the ceiling and holding it for a few minutes to slow the blood flow. Logan was looking at me still concerned
"Logan, snap out of it, I need you to pass me the hand sanitizer that's over there" I held my hand out waiting for him. When he put it in my hand I immediately removed the pad, and squeezed a fair amount of the goo into the cut. Hissing through my teeth, I placed the pad back where it was and gritted my teeth as it burned. My breathing became laboured as the gel began to work; "Logan, I need you to thread the needle and pass it to me, along with the lighter" I looked over to him, and saw him concentrating on the needle in his hands. I went back to slowing my breathing, closing my eyes and counting slowly in my head. When I got to 30 I opened my eyes, and lowered my hips, sitting up and taking the needle and thread that Logan had waiting for me, I smiled as I looked down at the bright green thread. Taking the lighter I lit it and held the needle over the flame, running the metal through it a few times before setting the lighter down, then pulling the cotton through son hand sanitizer I had in my hand. Standing up I took a deep breath, I stood up, and began sewing, gritting my teeth, so that I didn't cry out and risk people hearing me. When I had finished Logan held up the hand sanitizer before pouring some in his hand and wiping it across the cut, inspecting it as he went. Without realising it, I had lent my head forward and was resting it in the crook of his neck as I handled the pain
"Thank you" I whispered quietly to him, not moving my head, he stopped running his fingers over the wound, and lifted one hand to cradle my head, as he gently kissed the back of it
"Any time babe" we stood for a while like this, not caring that we had missed the first part of class. Before we left, I re-bandaged the cut, adding a sanitary napkin over the cut to make sure I didn't bleed onto Logan's shirt. Once we were out of the door, we both headed our separate ways. I didn't understand why he was so nice to me, but I was happy he was, everyone needs a little help sometimes. That night I went back to the gym, and worked on my weapons defense, not giving up until I couldn't lift my arms anymore, I silently vowed my father would not glass me ever again.


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