50. Special Delivery

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The next morning dad still hadn't come home from the night before, so I had been sitting in my room, making sure to keep up with my school work when the doorbell went. I did the normal thing of opening the door to see who it was. I recognized him at once. Aron stood in my doorway, holding a box, I sighed and looked him expectantly "R wants me to give you this, he said I hope you can come" I frowned and looked down at the box properly. It was silver and pristine looking, about 12 inches long and about 8 wide. It stood at about 4 inches tall, and was closed, so that was all I could see, I frowned some more, and looked back at Aron who looked very unhappy to be here
"what is it?" I asked he sighed and said
"it's an invitation, you won't be fighting, it's a party, apparently its Rita's birthday or something, she said bring a date" I nodded and took the box and nodded thanks to the broody boy stood in my doorway, then pushed it closed. Setting the box down on the table, I spied my name on top of it, written in elegant writing. I opened the box, to find a note on the top of a lot of tissue paper, frowning, I also spotted an envelope which had my name on it and the words 'since I'm not paying you yet' I picked up the note, and read the words

'It's my birthday, I'm 33 this year! I'm inviting you to the party, and it will be formal, enclosed I have put some money, enough for a dress, I suggest a ball gown, bring a date if you would like, I have also given you some shoes, that are just to die for, I fully expect you to be wearing them on the night, with a date.
This isn't optional'

Underneath the note were 2 formal invitations inviting me and my father and a plus one each to the party. The silvery delicate paper felt lovely in my hands and the beautiful cursive even better as I ran my fingers over it. When I finally opened the envelope, I found there was $2,500 in it. I stood with my mouth agape, I simply could not accept this, but I knew that she would insist I did, so I didn't bother to argue with her. The shoes were beautiful; folded neatly into the pale pink tissue paper. The heels of the shoes were black velvet, with an inlay up the back, of patterned material. The body of the shoe was the same material, gold with black patterns winding over it. There was a piece of material that holds the foot into the shoe that had big gun metal spikes protruding. The shoes were beautiful... and fierce... and beautiful. As I sat looking at the shoes, a huge smile spread across my face. "Wow" I said to no one in particular, as I found a bag big enough to put them in.

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