29. Broke My Nose

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The car journey had been silent, just like they usually are, and my dad was brooding probably about me speaking to mark, and I expected to be hit when I got back. I was right we didn't even make it out of the car before the first hit came. When the car came to a halt he grabbed the back of my head and slammed it forwards into the dashboard
"you stupid. Fucking. Bitch." I got one hit per word, on the final hit I cried out, and blood gushed out from my nose as my eyes watered. I brought my hands up trying to keep blood off the clothes I was wearing, but the blood was coming too fast. I scrambled out of the car and ran to the grass letting my nose bleed over it, while my dad calmly got out and opened the front door, leaving me outside. As the bleeding slowed I pinched the bridge of my nose, and cupped my other hand to catch what little blood still came sliding out. I went straight to the kitchen, grabbing two ice packs, I took them straight to the bathroom, and turned on the water in the sink leaning over it and washing my face off as I let the blood drain away, next, I stuffed tissue up my nose so that I could put ice wrapped in a towel on it and it wouldn't get bloody. Grabbing a towel I wrapped an ice pack in it, and held it to my face. I want back to my room, and took the other ice pack, balancing it on my arm; I lay back on my bed so I didn't have to hold them.

Sighing I looked down at my useless arm and it made me angry, I couldn't control it. I knew I was supposed to wait two more days, but I didn't think it would make any difference. the anger clouded my judgement, I knew I shouldn't be angry, but I couldn't help it, just the past few days had been overwhelming, and the emotion that won was anger. Taking the scissors I cut off my makeshift cast and slammed it in the bin then I inspected it making sure it had set straight and I scrubbed it getting rid of any dead skin, dirt and grime that had gotten under the cast. Happy with my handy work, I put the ice pack back onto it to take down the last of the swelling that was under the cast. I released a deep breath, and smiled, it was like getting my freedom back, I could run, box and fight again now that the cast had gone.

*School the next morning*

 As I was walking down the corridor I felt a hand push me forwards with force, I didn't fall, but I did stumble. The push was followed by a sharp slap to my face it didn't hurt as such, but I knew it would leave a red mark on my face. As I looked up, I saw Gemma stood in front of me with a smug smile on her face. She went to hit me again, and before I could think about it, my arm that I had only just taken out of its cast came up to take the blow. I stood breathing through clenched teeth, as the pain from my arm ebbed away. As a crowd started to gather, Gemma stalked towards me with a grim smile on her face, "oh so your arms better then, we had taken bets on how long you were going to drag that out for, Aron told me the story, but I didn't believe him, I thought he was lying." She paused for a second "I suppose you will freak out when I do this to you then won't you," she lifted her hand, and dragged it down my neck, but it didn't affect me this time, I was busy trying to figure out how she had gotten the information, when I looked around I could see Aron watching the whole scene play out, and doing nothing to stop it "mm, not as good as I had hoped, but you did tense up a little. Anyways now that I have your attention, you are to stay away from Aron Fielding, he is mine do you understand" I just looked at her blankly

"when have I ever shown any interest in Aron Fielding?" I questioned, my mind was clear and all I was focused on was what I planned on doing to her if she didn't take her grubby paws off me soon,  "that's not what I heard, is that what you heard girls" she turned to look at her two lap dogs "I heard you kissed him the weekend you did that " Arleen spoke as she pointed at my arm
"I bet you've been fantasizing about that all your life, I must say, I'm surprised, I honestly thought you were a lesbian all this time. But anyway," Gemma was speaking again. She moved her hand so that she was gripping my throat, but not leaning in hard enough to restrict my berating I inhaled a sharp breath anyway, the memories were starting to come back, they were hazy for now, but they would be back with force if I stayed here much longer "heed the warning bitch, we all know you have sucked off the whole football team, but my man is off limit..." I couldn't take any more; I pushed her back, and stepped out of her grip, without saying another word I walked away. Hearing someone shout
"that's right bitch run" luckily it was dinner time, so I didn't have to put up with the stares for long, I still had the kings of Leon CD that I was listening to last week, so I didn't bother stopping by the library, and I didn't go to any of my usual places, I left the school, walking out the front doors, and walking around to the car park, I couldn't go far, because then my good girl persona would be ruined, and I would never get into a collage far away from this shit hole if I tried. As I sat on a wall huddled in the parking lot, I saw Gemma and her lap dogs come out, followed by Aron and his, I stood up to leave, but I could hear what was being said
"that was brilliant Gem, I can't believe you actually touched her neck" Aron was speaking, "you said she freaked out more than that," one of Gemma's friends chirped
"she did when I did it, she must have gotten used to human contact" he shrugged. I turned away, not wanting to hear any more, as I neared the corner I heard someone say
"I'll be back in a sec" then the sound of footsteps coming closer made me stop and turn, only to be greeted by Logan "I'm sorry, I don't know why he is letting her do this." I didn't respond just went to turn away, but he caught my arm, and pulled me back I was tired of people doing that to me, it never led to anything good, I still didn't speak, just looked Logan in the eyes, he sighed and let go of me, so that I could walk away.

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