Memo's fault

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"You didn't text me last night." Hailey abruptly said while pinning her books on the table after grabbing them on the shelves.

Oops. "Yeah, about that..." I trailed off, biting my lip.

"Didn't you sleep?" Hailey cuts me off as I opened my eyes forcefully with my fingers.

"Me?" I responded sluggishly along with a yawn, while Hailey gave me a quizzical look with her eyebrows crimped.

"No. I meant the other Nikki."

What happened earlier with Chase was a total nightmare. My body had been beaten up for a sleep but my mind wasn't. I tried closing my eyes, humming a lullaby, I even got up to drink a milk, but when I went back on bed.. It was already time for school.

"Do I look like I had it?" I questioned.

We had been in the library for a few minutes now which was quite unusual since the it was one of our least visited places in school, thanks to the peevish librarian. But we sort of had a broken schedule this day, because the principal called all of our professors for an urgent meeting.

"Obviously, not. What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just..-- Can I take a quick nap?"

She shrugged, "Hide your face with a book."

Hailey opened a book and read the context. She said she would conduct some researches for her homework which I surmised wouldn't go well enough since I would be sharing what happened last ni.. err.. earlier this morning.

"Actually, can I tell you what happened earlier?" I asked, staring down on a book Hailey was checking.

"Something wrong? You're being uncharacteristic, really." She probed, scanning me up and down.

"I told you, I had no sleep and it's nothing physical." I assured.

"Okay. What happened then?" She delved, dropping the book down as she shifted a little to give me her full attention.

"Okay so..." I began, and told her everything that happened.

" I began, and told her everything that happened

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"Seriously?!" She exclaimed.

Students near us looked in our direction as Hailey began sending an apology.

"Seriously?" She repeated in a hushed tone.

I contracted my shoulders and pouted, "Unfortunately, yes."

"What a gentleman Chase is, leaving you behind with Nicolas to drive you home." She stated, lifting her right leg on top of the other and crossing her arms on her chest.

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