Confusion, confession

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to the sweet talker iloveNUTELLAAAA!! Thank you for filling my screen with nutellas!! X) Love lotsssssss!!!

C h a p t e r   2 6

After I was being pushed on a bed, I knew I was inside a room. My overall tensed. Every questions free to think off swirled in my head, building a higher percentage of panic attack to cause any minute. The door slammed shut, making me flinched. I don't know what was going on, but Hailey does, clearly.

Am I alone? Or even with someone? I lifted my knees up on the bed and engulfed them.

A faint sound of music infiltrated through the walls which somehow relieved me a bit, knowing I wasn't dragged away from the party's setting. I sighed and let a moment passed until a light footsteps filled the room, immediately making me froze on my spot.

My hands were cuffed, my eyes were blindfolded, and my mouth was being covered with a thick silk. Excellent arrangement, but whoever thought this extreme absurdity was cool as f**k, was just same as folly as the plan.

The steps became heavier, bringing me back in a horrific reality. After a brief, I knew someone sat beside me as the bed foam waved. I gulped hard while I tried to stay still with the drums beating there way out of my chest. Suddenly, the cold air struck my lips after the person pulled the sheet off of my mouth.

"Who are you?" I spoke in terror, as I began hyperventilating.

"Relax. Let me first get rid of all those stuffs binding you." The man spoke, feeling his soft fingers traced through my hands, loosening my cuffs.

Wait, that voice... Soon, the man slowly undid the knot on my blindfold and let it slid down on its own, revealing the guy behind it all.

"You?!" I exclaimed, pushing Chase away from me.

To my utter disappointment, he didn't budge, so I moved back. He let out a soft chuckle making my insides dance under a chaotic beat. On the second thought I felt self conscious, because I was inside a room wearing my seasonal blush on and ruby lipstick, with Chase. I mean, who would even waste their time carving such a no-gentleman Chase Grey for girls who deserves more than just the looks of him?

I immediately snapped my head around the dark room for escape routes. A door, check. Locked, probably. The windows were okay but not that wide to throw me out in a jiff without struggling a full hour on getting my ass out.

"You're nervous?" Chase interrupted with a deep voice.

What kind of question is that? I straightened up and heaved a deep sigh, pulling my self together.

"No." I managed to let the two letter word out of my mouth with a stern voice despite my trembling body. "What is this all about?"

"...Why didn't you meet me up at the field when I told you to?" He asked in a serious tone.

Chase was acting really odd. I might say for some reason his seriousness freaks me out. My hands squeezed the bed clad in velvet, pre-occupying myself with everything I was in.

"And why does that suddenly matter to you?"

"That's not an answer."

"I forgot." I retorted, averting my gaze from him.

He scoffed, "Bet you did that on purpose."

"Is that really what this is about? If so, I'm not quite interested." I snarled,

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