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C h a p t e r 4 3

Unicorns are real.

That's all I can say, for now.

Hailey and I wore onesies. Which she said were bought earlier while roaming around the town with Stephan. If I had mine colored cotton candy pink, Hailey would don hers in its contrasted color, preferrably in pastel blue. Just to not make things seem like a twinning reunion.

As I switched my attention around, I felt astounded examining my room looked nowhere near like my space at all. There were white blinking lights rounding each four corners of the place, and pale hue balloons with twisted tails, floating up at the ceiling. Seeing that Hailey overdid the preparations for the sleepover made my insides form in knots.

Then, there she was, assembling a medium sized tent inside my freaking room. Almost all of my stuffs had been moved on one side, excluding my bed and the TV rack, just to give enough space for the portable shelter.

After a New York minute, Hailey was back on her feet, tossing all my pillows inside the tent making it turn into a playtime crib for us kiddies in ice cream suits with a cone on our heads.

"Done!" She squealed, while taking a one joyful leap.

I joined her after she threw herself inside it, with the bait. A huge bowl filled with berries, topped with whipped cream.

"Okay, so tell me what happened?" She interrogated, while picking a snack bag from behind her and letting me have the bowl for myself.

I forked berries from the concave dish, and said. "Well..."

Pausing, I chewed down the fruits, and savored the pleasing sweet taste of each pulps.

"Well, what?" Hailey asked, lacing impatience in her voice, after ripping the bag open.

I didn't know how to start. A thing like this to be shared with Hailey, would be like narrating a tale of your eightieth year living in the world of aliens, and walking fishes. It probably would be a never ending story telling.

"Uhm," I trailed off. "...I answered Chase."

Hailey's eyes glistened, and I could already sense an acute piercing sound that's about to come out from her mouth.

"Oh my golly wolly rolly polly!! My best friend, Nikki Rose Cleavage--"

"Clarence." I rectified in a quiet way, as she continued.

"...White, answered Chase A-damned-son Grey!!" She shrilled joyfully, while raising her hands up in the air.

I cringed at how Hailey messed up the holiness of our middle names. "It's Adamson, Hailey."

Her voice reechoed inside my room like a church bell, but then I was quite happy with her idea on fixing up a tent. It somehow constricted her feverish movements.

Suddenly, a pounding noise came up from my door, which froze Hailey and me from what we were doing.

"Girls! Minimize your voices, unless you want me join on your sleepover!" Aunt Crissa exclaimed.

I bit my lip and yelled back a response, "Sorry!"

"So, how?" Hailey stuffed a potato chips in her mouth, munching them down.

My brows knitted in bewilderment, facing her. "What?"

"How?-- How did you answer him?" She clarified.

Hailey fails to spy on my date with Chase, hence she felt eager to know everything in details. Even from how I noticed ants walking on the ground, upto detecting dust floating in the air when it passes a light.

Falling In Fall (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now