Hi no more

29 5 6

A/N: This isn't our last chapter! Hopefully, the second to the last, but, we'll see... We'll see... 🤗☺

C h a p t e r 4 7

A friend will always be a friend, no matter how far they are from each other, and how long they don't talk or see. But, boyfriends? Considering how attached I became to Chase, just made things a lot heavier to handle, and difficult to let go. If only Aunt Crissa had told me about this earlier. I could have prevented things from getting further. I could have stopped myself from falling deeper.

"You haven't say a word." Chase casted a glance at me while maintaining a run at sixty. "What's the problem?"

On what happened last night, I wasn't in the right mood to face everyone, not even Aunt Crissa. Although, I know that I would end up talking to her at the end of the day, and most probably go with her on the next day. However, at this very moment, I want nothing more but space. Some time to think and regain my composure back before facing everyone. I thought I will have it this morning, until Chase insisted to pick me up even after telling him that I'd my take car to school.

I shook my head as a response and kept it still while eying the outside through the passenger's window.

Chase nodded but only to not concur. "You really want me to believe that?"

While I still had a remaining ounce of guts flowing through my veins, I stole a glance on him as my insides slowly ripped to pieces. Even with just the picture of leaving everyone I love in the town I spent most of my life with, kills me.

I remained motionless and mute, figuring a way on how to cope with the matter I was in, and how to speak it to Chase, momentarily.

"You do remember that's the same issue we tackled before, right?" He added,

Everyone hides something.

No one dared to speak after that. A snippy Chase scoffed a sound, same time he pressed the gas wildly as it roared. At this moment, I really wished he bought his black Jeep instead. I tried to stay calm, yet I had to battle the strong emotion of fear at our own's possible self withdrawals. I really hate fast cars, and will always will.

The sighting of our school twinkled in my eyes, giving me a thought of a sweet escape awhile. However, it has been called off, when he took the opposite lane away from it.

"Chase, where are we going? We have classes!" I exclaimed,

"We'll be having our own discussion." He roughly spoke, as he began to avoid my gaze.

Congratulations, Nikki. Proud of what you've done, now? I sarcastically thought to myself.

Frowning, I sunk down the seat and folded my arms to my chest. I was fully aware that the idea of ignoring him rather than talking things out with him was stupid of me. But then again, I don't want to see his reaction thereafter. Not if he's sad. I want him to be mad at me.

To hate me, even.

Thinking it would be easier to leave him behind.

After a few more minutes, we stopped at the same parking lot Chase parked his car on our first date. Before us stood the woods we claimed to be the place we once were. As I was about to focus my gaze up front, Chase pulled the key out in the ignition, causing me to snap my head sidewise.

He had his hazel orbs travelling elsewhere but mine and without a word, he precipitously left the car which made me sped out to tag along, preventing further complications. As we walked along the dancing tress down the forest, the sunshine shone through everything I missed to catch my eyes with last time in the dark. We silently ambled through the path concealed with brown autumn leaves, while Chase strolled before me with his hands in his pocket. Protecting them from the chilly wind fanning around.

Falling In Fall (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now