The sweet-ass

190 54 26

A/N: Hey lovely potssssss!!!! We're close to 7k!! OMG!! I can't thank you enough for all your support!!! You don't know how much this means to me! *crying a river emoji* You guys are the reason behind all the chapters I update/d!! I love you all!! ❤❤

Another announcement!! We have a new lovely cover [shown on the media box above] !! Made by MissRosa01 all credits to her!

Also, If ever this chapter update seems badly written and is short, please try to remove it from your library and add it back, or just reload this page if it would work out. :)

You can now proceed. X)

C h a p t e r   3 1

I woke up hearing a bubble message tone. I didn't notice I slept. Have I even had my dinner? I thought, rubbing my eyes with my palm.

My TV was off but my DVD player was still on. I bethinked what happened and saw myself falling asleep as the next hundredth movie credit rolls. At least I had lunch. I sighed, then remembered I had a text message. Slipping my arm under my pillow, I reached for my phone and read the message coming from an unnamed contact.

Unknown: Good morning. Be ready at seven, I'll pick you up. 😉

"Chase." I grinned, feeling the butterfiles in my stomach as I reread the text message thrice, or more.

After a few minutes of silence hearing only a hawk squawking nearby, I realized hadn't replied yet. The time ran as I steadily read back the message, absorbing it in my brain.

Be ready at seven.

"Seven." I muttered, casting a glance at the clock which tics at six hour and twenty minutes.

Good morning! 😊 <

I'll go get ready! <

Placing my phone on my night stand, I quickly flipped my covers off, letting it fall on the other side of the bed before opening the closet wide, searching for a clothes to wear. Sliding the hangers on the metal rod, I scanned every multicoloured clothes and took a loose maroon sweater, after grabbing a stone washed ripped jeans, and pairing it with a sneakers.

I hurriedly walked through the bathroom and took a shower as the time tic tocs for approximately twenty eight minutes. Donning my clothes in, I skimmed the time which reads, six fourthy five.

"I still have time." I muttered, pulling my jeans up as it got stuck on my heel.

Drat! Hurry up!

After the decent struggle, I wore my shoes, and gleaned my stuffs before darting my way downstairs.

"Aunt Crissa!" I called as soon as I reached the empty kitchen.

Where could she be? I thought as I spotted a neon green coloured note, sticked on the door of the refrigerator.

I got your 'cold' breakfast ready on the table. Leave early, and don't be late for school. I just had to sort out some things. :)


"Some things? What could it be?" I muttered, then shrugged as I made my way to the table.

Staring at the two plates in front of me, I sniffed the intoxicating smell of bacon and egg. My stomach grumbled as the acid rose up from my inside with the reason of skipping a meal last night. Pulling the glossed chair, I sat down flipping my plate up then grabbing a fork and knife to start my breakfast.

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