Chapter 11: Lessons

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Oh, how do I explain a long absence... I wouldn't have gone with posting unless a good reason. First, I was revising previous chapters, which I hope all are okay with, and second, my laptop and I were not getting along. It was ending my mircosoft office at random, so none of my stuff was saving. That issue has since been resolved. And, as someone put it, I will be returning to story faithfully!

Also, this is more of a filler chapter, because I've been stuck with a headache. Things are going to pick up in the next few chapters,
From afar, an amused father watched his son spar in their yard with two opponents, both fighting to be on the council, for that was a new rule Madara was enforcing. If a ninja of the clan could defeat Madara, or impress him, they would be on the council. So far, two had made the cut. It was to be believed that the boy's council would be small indeed, and for that Tajima thought wise. Too many opinions got annoying, tiring, and took up too much time. His son knew how to make the right decisions, even in the most hectic situations. Unlike him, Madara was ready to be the clan head.

When Tajima had been appointed clan head, it was not because he was close to the clan head in any way or a friend. In fact, he openly defied the previous head of the clan, which always resulted in his punishment. Everything Tajima had been through, up until his appointment, had been a lesson. Each lesson he taught his sons, though each interpreted it differently.

Even though Madara had out grown his stories, there were still lessons for him to learn. That, Tajima was very aware of. That did not mean Tajima thought himself to know all, but he came very close. He had had countless life lessons that molded and beat him into the person he became to be, and they still did so. Now, it was time for those to be done to Madara. He needed another lesson.

"Madara, you're going to kill them. They've had enough."

Reminiscing had passed, and Tajima held his hand up for his son to stop, and he obediently did so. Madara was exactly like he had hoped. He was cruel, unforgiving, and merciless – to those outside the clan. He treated his fellow clansmen with respect once they earned it. He believed it was to be earned and not entitled, and they did the same for him.

Of course, Tajima could have hoped he would treat the women of the clan better, but he could not complain. Nothing was compared to how women used to be treated in the clan. At least now they had a chance to fight and had respect, most of the time. Tajima had done that for them. He only hoped Madara would keep it that way.

"You're unusually quiet, Otōsan."

Tajima looked at his son, who was barely out of breath and had not one scratch on him. A magnificent shinobi he was indeed, better than he could have ever hoped. "I'm only thinking, Madara. A lot has happened in such a short time."

"Hai, it has."

The two stood silently, though Tajima's head was anything but silent. It was time to discuss what request Hiroshi had laid upon Madara, not that Tajima didn't already know the request, because he did.

"Hate is meant for our enemies, not those within the clan walls. For if we begin to hate each other, then we begin to lose our trust, and after our trust, our loyalty, and after our loyalty, our friendship, sending us into an inferno of anarchy and bloodshed that should be sent upon the enemy, not ourselves."

Madara stood silently, staring out at their garden in silence as his Otōsan spoke. "I know what Hiroshi asked of you. You show that you care for what happens to her, yet you openly show your hate and distrust meant for the Senju, towards her."

"What is your point?"

"I've already told you my point, Madara. You hate a fellow clan member for no obvious reason or no reason at all," Tajima frowned, "I'm going to tell you a story, Madara, and you are going to listen."

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