Chapter 30: Decisions

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This is a very long chapter. Be prepared!

Thank you to everyone, and I look forward to seeing how ya'll like the turn of events!


It wasn't until the next day that Anju encountered Izuna. When she did, she simply told him she had to go see Eiko and that there was no time, as her baby was due soon and she needed all the help she could get. He protested, but Anju held her ground. She didn't want to see Izuna, and she sure didn't want to see Madara. She really didn't want to see anyone.

She was so confused her head hurt. She didn't know what to think or what to do. There were so many feelings she felt but she couldn't place the feelings with each event. She was confused. Angry. Sad. Frustrated. Hurt. Happy. She wanted to scream.

There was one person though who might be able to help, and that was Eiko. She could be trusted no matter what. She always gave great advice, and it had been awhile since Anju had seen her. It was about time she paid her a visit, especially with the baby due soon.

"Anju! What a lovely surprise." Eiko gave her an awkward side hug and then placed a hand on her large belly. "You'd think this would be easier the second time."

Anju smiled and held Eiko's hands. "I'm here to help how I can. I know you're due soon."

Eiko's eyes glowed with happiness as she dragged Anju towards her room, where a little Natsu was playing with kittens. She leapt into Anju's arms when she saw her and giggled. "Aunt Anju! You're here!"

"I am here, Natsu. How are you?" The little girl with her head of black hair in a bun smiled and started talking so fast, she could barely understand. Anju tried to keep up, but after a few minutes, Eiko intervened and got Natsu off her lap.

"Anju and I have a lot to catch up on. How about you go play with your cat?" Natsu beamed and squealed as she ran out of her room. They heard the door open and close and laughed. "She loves her cat," Eiko turned to Anju, "but I assume you're not here to play with her, are you?"

Anju was taken aback, but there was no hiding from Eiko. Anju sighed and followed her outside, where Natsu was playing with her black cat in the shade. They sat on the ground near some laundry Eiko had been working on before she had arrived.

"What's on your mind?"

Anju picked up a dark shirt from a wooden bucket filled with water. She didn't say anything as she began to help wash the clothes. There was so much she needed to say, but she couldn't really put it into words, and if she could, the words would not come out of her mouth.

"Little sister?"

There was a hand on her shoulder. Eiko had moved next to her, a concerned look on her face. "What's wrong? Something is obviously bothering you. Did Izuna hurt you?"

"No..." Anju placed the shirt back in the water and sat back, "Eiko, can I ask you something?"

Eiko's pink lips turned upwards. "Of course. What is it?"

"When were you sure Kizuna was the one?"

At her question, Eiko's cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. She even giggled. "You want that story? I don't think I ever told you everything."

Anju nodded. "I want all of it."

Eiko smiled and looked over at Natsu as she chased her cat around. "Kizuna was actually never my first choice. I had had many suitors, many men interested in marrying Hiroshi's eldest daughter. There were two I courted at once."

"You were with two men?" Anju couldn't hide her surprise. Eiko chuckled, "I didn't sleep with them. These were proper courtships. I courted Genkei, who was the same age of me and is now married with three children, and the second was Masaru, who was eight years older than me and has since died in battle. Kizuna came into the picture a couple months later. He was kind. He brought me flowers every day at the same time, and when he was gone in battle, he had his little sister deliver them. He would take me on walks and spar with me. Genkei and Masaru were more interested in the title of holding me. Kizuna was interested in me as a person."

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