Chapter 23: Anju's Resolve

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After Tajima's revelation, Anju's life turned upside down. She had a hard time deciding what was real and what was not, and what she could believe. Now that things had been put into perspective and she knew the truth, she realized that her entire early life had been a lie. Those memories she thought she had made with Izuna slowly faded until Madara filled them, unlocking the truth behind the lies her mind had formed.

Memories where Izuna had brought her flowers from his mother's garden and played tag with her to keep her entertained were nothing but a lie. The Izuna from those memories disappeared and now she could clearly see that Madara was the one who had done all those things for her. Each day brought on new memories and corrected the old ones. She didn't know what to feel anymore, or what to think.

In the midst of her unease and the information she was trying to comprehend, she managed to snap out of it for a moment just to avoid running into a wooden post. She quickly side stepped with a spin, easily avoiding what could have been an embarrassing moment. Her almost screw up caught the attention of Eiko, who watched her with concern. "Are you alright, little sister? You've been out of it lately, and this just proves that there's something else going on. Is there something you want to talk about? Something that's troubling you?"

No words could explain how desperately Anju wanted to confide in Eiko and tell her all that had been revealed to her about Madara and the past, yet when it came down to it, this strange feeling filled her, and she knew that it was better not to say anything. This was something that was going to stay between her and Tajima, and Madara when he returned. And she debated on whether or not to tell Izuna.

Even though these recent revelations had not changed her feelings for Izuna, she knew he would begin to think otherwise. If she had learned anything, Izuna's greatest fear was losing her, and she did not want to put that fear in him. They were in a good place and she didn't want to screw it up.

In attempt to throw Eiko off, she awkwardly scratched the back of her head and smiled. "I'm just worried about Izuna is all. They've been gone for a couple weeks now."

Taking the bait, Eiko gave her a reassuring smile and waited for her to join her side. "I think they're alright. If they weren't, I think I'd be able to feel it, and you as well. They should be back soon, I hope."

Anju hoped for the same as she watched Ren and Ken fly overhead. "I hope so as well. I miss Izuna and Hisen."

Giggling, Eiko took hold of Natsu's hand and Haruna's hands. "I think Hisen will be fine. He's got that power within him now. If the Senju didn't fear the Uchiha before, they should now."

Even so, Anju couldn't shake this feeling of dread. In previous years she had learned to not ignore this feeling, for it was usually correct. Never once had her gut instinct failed her, and this time would be no different. Something was wrong and she knew it, but she knew better than to say anything in front of Natsu and Haruna. Natsu would worry about her father, and Haruna the only family she had left, which was her father and older brother. Her mother had died in battle not long after Haruna's birth. It was best to keep this to herself, for now.

"I don't see why you're always so worried about Izuna." Hakuoh's smooth, pleasant voice joined the conversation, her narrow eyes empty as she stared at Anju. "You know he'll come back safe. He's the strongest Uchiha next to Madara-sama. You shouldn't worry about something so petty."

Anju came to a stop in the dirt path, angered by Hakuoh's words. "Because I love him and I care about his safety like any good wife would."

With arms crossed over her chest, Hakuoh continued to walk with a swing in her step as always. "That's right. You get to play good wife now since you're useless. How's that going for you? Do you like being bosses around and taken advantage of by a man whore?"

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