Chapter 29: What Have I Done?

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I really hope you guys enjoy this new chapter!

The Poem - 10 Things I Hate About You

I hate the way you talk to me, And the way you cut your hair

I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare

I hate your big dumb combat boots, And the way you read my mind

I hate you so much it makes me sick, It even makes me rhyme

I hate it, I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie

I hate it when you make me laugh, Even worse when you make me cry

I hate it when you're not around, And the fact you didn't call

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close

Not even a little bit, not even at all.


As Anju spoke, Madara's interest in these scrolls began to grow, as well as his curiosity. She didn't know much – maybe a few complete techniques here and there – but she was certain what she had in her possession was key to the mystery surrounding Kouzai, Neikan, and this new name, Akumu. He understood her frustration with not being able to read the information given to her, and he felt it as well. Whatever was in these scrolls, it was key to the mystery.

"And you can't read anything besides this?"

Anju shook her head. "No. Even with the sharingan it's been difficult." She placed a hand over her right eye, which still had blood on it.

Madara looked back at the large scroll before them that was filled with a language he did not understand and drawings that just added to the mystery. Anju's sharingan was not strong enough, but his was. Maybe he could decipher what was in here. He activated his mangekyou sharingan and looked down at the words. He was able to see for a second before a sharp pain befell his eyes. He grabbed them as a grunt escaped his lips.

A warm liquid began to run down his face, and in an instant, he felt warm hands on his face. He tried to flinch away, but they held him in place. Anju's calm, soft voice hit his ears. "Your eyes are bleeding, Madara. Keep them shut while I clean it away."

Many thoughts raced through his head as the cool, wet rag was dabbed against his face and wiped ever so gently. Had the scroll made him go blind? Did it take his eyes? He thought of the worst-case scenarios and what they would mean. How had this scroll not blinded Anju?

"Alright. Open your eyes slowly."

Madara did as she asked. It took a moment, but he was able to see and use his sharingan, as long as he didn't look at the scrolls. He looked to her as she looked at him. "How has this not blinded you?"

She shrugged. "I'm wondering that myself."

Madara jumped a little, as he realized Anju's hand still rested on his face and that she was quite close to him. She chuckled and gently wiped under his right eye. "I caught Madara Uchiha off guard. Where's my medal?"

The older male glared down at her, but not in an angry way. She smiled gently at him and moved to his neck. He stiffened, and she paused. "Trust me, Madara." He let her carry on with touching one of the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of his body until he was clean of blood. "All done."

She still held his face in her hand. He knew his feelings for her, and they were quite strong right now. Her beauty, her intelligence, her gentleness and roughness – he loved it all. And in that moment, he considered tearing her away from his brother and taking her for himself. He truly wanted to.

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