Chapter 24: Realization

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Sorry about the wait, but I just started my college classes and didn't expect to be this busy. I'm already working on the next chapter, so it shouldn't be long! This chapter probably isn't what you were expecting it to be, but I think the next one will please you all.

Thank you and Enjoy!


What was this feeling? A groan escaped his throat as he rolled over, hugging his pillow tightly. He felt like he'd had the shit kicked out of him, that was for sure. There was too much light and every little noise caused him agony, especially the cricket outside the door. He slowly opened his eyes and narrowed them towards the cricket as it sat smugly in the doorway.

"Shut up you stupid insect." It was as if his words only fueled the cricket, for it came into the room just daring him to get off his futon. But he felt like crap. Why did he feel so terrible? It must have been from the battle.

Upon remembering the battle, his eyes flew upon and he shot up. He was in his old room, back at Anju's estate. And weirder yet... he touched his bare chest and looked at his body. There wasn't one scratch on him. No bruises, scratches, or anything related to such things – just unharmed, baby-soft skin.

"Kouzai? You in there, buddy? Care to explain what's going on?" It was dead silence in his head. No nagging or bossing around. Just complete silence. "Alright then you old grouch. Enjoy nap time."

With some time to himself, Hisen looked around his old room, though he had to shield his eyes from the moonlight. Why did something like that hurt him so? It felt like the morning sun yet from the position of the moon, the night was reaching its end. It was strange but manageable and it was the least of his worries. At the top of his list was why he was all healed and next to it was the condition of the other warriors. Before he passed out, he remembered none of it looking so good for the Uchiha. He had to know what had become of them.

He flung the covers off himself, cursing the annoying cricket in the process, though stopped as he looked down at his legs. One had been broken and the other mangled to look like grinded up flesh. He reached out and touched them, to make sure they were real, and they were. "What is this? Genjutsu? Am I dead?" A quick pinch proved him wrong, for he felt the pain. Unless one could feel pain when dead. He was puzzled, and he needed answers. He needed to find Madara and Izuna, since Kouzai was nowhere to be found.

"Let's see if you work as well as you look." Slowly, Hisen got to his feet and stretched out his healed legs. They didn't just look healed, they felt it as well. He was able to make it to the door without a problem. If anything, he felt better, but why? He still needed answers. If he was home, which by the looks he was, then his sister would be in her room. That's where he needed to go first.

Once there though, he couldn't bring himself to wake her. A gentle smile graced his lips as he looked at her, curled up next to Izuna and sleeping peacefully with him. He tilted his head, his smile only growing. His sister was so lucky to have someone like Izuna watching out for her, and Izuna vice versa. They made a good pair, and he would not wake them. He would just have to go looking for Madara now, which was easy enough. He just had to follow his chakra.

"You up yet? I have some questions you white-haired coot." Not even his insults to the proud beast woke him up. The battle really must have done a number on him if he wasn't even in the mood, or didn't have the energy to fight with him or defend his name. He didn't even remember why he passed out in the first place. Last thing he remembered he had been stabbed by that dark blade, and then he woke up here. There was a huge timeframe he had missed.


His head whipped around. Where did that voice come from? It sounded so...

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