Chapter 20: Bonds

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I cannot apologize enough for not updating in the past two months. I started working my seasonal job again, and am so tired by the time I get home that I just go right to sleep. Of course that has changed. I decided to watch some Naruto the other day and got my inspiration back! I have NOT abandoned this story, or my other one.

And this isn't an exciting chapter like you all probably thought it might be after going so long without updating, but it isn't really. I had something else for this chapter, but it just wasn't sitting right so I spent the whole say redoing it. I can however promise that the next few chapters will be exciting! Thanks for sticking with me!

Enough of my little rant - Enjoy!


That next day, Anju found herself sitting outside on a porch, watching as children ranging in age played with a ball while others sparred and played tag. She found herself watching them fondly, for she was reminded of her childhood and doing the same as these young ones.

Next to her, her elder sister Eiko sat in a chair, washing clothes and occasionally glancing up to watch the children. Anju too was washing clothes with her sister, in attempt to help her while Kizuna was away with Izuna and others. Eiko would need all the help she could get in the coming months, and Anju knew she was not short in volunteers. All the women of the clan stuck together, especially when a child was on the way. Eiko was only one of the many pregnant women of the clan, but that didn't make her any less important.

"You're awfully quiet, little sister. Is something wrong?"

Anju blinked, zoning back into her head. She looked back at her sister, smiling sheepishly. "Just thinking about Izuna is all."

And she wasn't lying. Izuna had been on her mind since he left yesterday. Though she knew she had no reason to worry about her beloved, she found herself unable to stop the worry and stress his absence brought her.

Eiko giggled and smiled. "It's adorable how much you love and care for Izuna-sama."

Anju crinkled her nose and went back to watching the children as she helped clean clothes. "I'm just concerned for my partner. How is that adorable?"

"Look at you! You're back to your old self. No blushing or awkward faces. I'm happy to see you back to the old you." Eiko reached over and patted her head, leaving Anju to swat away her elder sisters affections in vain. In the end, she couldn't help but smile as Eiko hugged her and she hugged her back. "I missed my little sister."

Anju pulled away and pat her sisters head, just as she had just done hers. "I missed you too, Nēchan."

A sudden force hit Anju, and she fell backwards with a small blue bundle latched on to her middle. It was young Natsu, grinning up at her. "I missed you too, Obasan!" The small bundle dressed in a plain blue yukata held on to her tightly, as if something bad would happen if she let go. She placed a hand against Natsu's head, holding her against her.

This was the first time since the young girl had been born that Anju had actually spent quality time with her niece. She realized how sad that was, seeing as the Uchiha were a clan all about family, and she had neglected hers in her search for recognition from Uchiha Madara and the rest of the Uchiha shinobi. But now, with her loss of power and shinobi status, and with Madara removing women from the battlefield, she could focus back on family.

The thought of that warmed her insides as she hugged Natsu close to her. "I'm not going anywhere, little one. I'm here to stay."

At her words, the little girl looked up at her with large round eyes that sparkled with joy. "Yay! Obasan is going to stay with us!"

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