Chapter 14: Fluffy Death

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Now that I have overcome my urge to play of PS4 and Xbox, I was finally able to write again. Oh how distracting video games can be!

As a teaser: I'm very excited to write the next chapter! Time to get things moving!


They stood on higher ground, overlooking what would soon be their battlefield. With their sharingan's, the legendary Uchiha brothers could see the chakra signatures of their enemies in the distance. The had a good ten minutes of waiting, unless it was decided that they would rush the Senju instead.

The brothers looked at each other, their arms crossed over their chests and the wind blowing their hair out of their faces. Both had similar red markings on their faces from their initiation as the clan's heads. It was the blood of the previous clan leader, their father Tajima. Three red tomoes were placed center on their foreheads, and then three lines above the left eyebrow, two across the right cheek, and a single line stemming from the bottom lip down the chin and neck.

Behind the two newly appointed heads, their warriors kneeled in respect to their new clan heads, with some staring at the Uchiha Clan symbol that was painted on the rock the leaders stood on. None disagreed to the new authority, and most thought it a welcome change of pace. They now had a fully capable leader and who were the strongest the Uchiha had ever seen. It amplified the warrior's morale and gave them a greater sense of victory, even though the battle had not yet taken place.

"Return the Elders to the safety of the clan boundaries. We'll take it from here."

"The Elders must-"

Madara turned his head towards Elder Ryoichi, who immediately ceased speaking as Madara's dangerous gaze lay upon him. "You are not in charge, Elder Ryoichi. You will do as you are told and return to the village. I will not be responsible for you out here, and neither will my warriors. They have more important matters to attend to than babysitting you lot."

The harsh words hit the three elders like a winter storm, chilling them to the bone. They dare not challenge the new clan heads words out of fear of the power he possessed. He was not like Tajima. They knew Madara would not listen to their words or fall to their influence.

With a nudge from a group of five, the Elders wee led away from the team with some resistance, mostly from Ryoichi. Never had he been spoken to in such a manner, especially by a young brat like Madara. He was too young for leadership, much like Tajima had been. Madara was still a boy and needed the guidance they had to offer, but he showed no signs of wanting it. Ryoichi would make him see he needed the help of the Elders, for he feared that if Madara saw no need for them, he would dispose of them. And he knew Madara would.

When they were out of his sight, Madara fully turned to his warriors, looking at each individual as they raised their heads to look at him. He looked to his younger brother, who solemnly looked over the men and then to Madara. Cold and lacking feeling did not fit Izuna, for it made him look quite menacing and not the cute little brother he was so use to. However, he found it quite fitting for this situation. Maybe now Izuna would help Madara take on these tedious responsibilities as clan head and leader, and remember that the clan always comes first, not his love for Anju.

The image of the young woman flooded into his mind, and then the dreams he had witnessed her having that seemed more like forgotten memories rather than a fantasy she her mind had made up. Anger flooded through his veins as he thought of her and of the blonde that had nearly killed her. He would murder that boy, for her. He shocked himself with the thought and was quick to dismiss such a thing. He would kill that boy, for Izuna and Anju. It would be his present to them.

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