Trailer # 2 Iris of the Blade

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A group of hunters were surrounded in the woods by Bewolfs. In the center of their circle a band of traders huddled in fear. The only thing between them and death were the hired hunters.

"Want to explain to me how this easy guide's job turned into a battle?" One of the hunters grunted as he fought off a Grimm that had grown braver than its brothers. He was a well built man with brown hair and a scar running down his left cheek. His weapon of choice was a battle axe that currently glowed green from the Dust powering it. With a second grunt of effort he threw the beast away into three of it's brothers. He glanced over at his partner who had also fended off a Grimm of his own.

"Bad luck?" He chuckled nervously as his eyes scanned their advisary. His sword swirled in circles as he prepared for the next one to attack.

"Bad luck?!" A third hunter, the single woman of the group and leader, growled as she fired a twin set of pistols into the Grimm. "You decided to play with that pup when we told you to leave it alone!" As she reloaded she blew a string of teal hair out of her eyes. "You made a simple guide and protect job into a battle."

"Idiot." The fourth hunter scoffed as he swung a mighty hammer into the chest of a Grimm that thought it could get past them to the cowering merchants behind them. An explosion went off as he pulled a trigger on its handle blowing out the beast's spine.

"It's not my fault the little ones look so cute!" The hunter at fault cried out in his defense. "Anyone could have made that mistake!"

"Nope!" "Not ever!" "As if!?" His three friends all responded at the same time causing him to flinch slightly.

"Sheesh." He rolled his shoulders. "Don't need to shut me down all at once."

Suddenly the Bewolfs became even more agitated. An opening appeared in the pack as an Alpha nearly three times the size walked into sight. Its eyes flashed red as it sniffed the air heavy with fear.

"That is one big Alpha." The sword wielder's voice shook as his whole body began sweating.

"No duh idiot." The hammer wielder tightened his grip. "What's the plan boss?"

The woman studied the new threat and assessed the situation. "It'll take all four of us to beat that thing." She said what they were all thinking. "But the moment we go against it the pack is going to tear these people apart." All four hunters checked their weapons. As hunters and huntresses they couldn't let innocent life end before their own. "Two of us are going to create an opening and your going to run out of here and get as far away as you can." She instructed the merchants who were now beginning to stink from some of them wetting themselves. "Hopefully you get far enough to survive."

The leader of the merchants nodded and began getting the others standing and ready to make a run for it. As the hunters prepared themselves to die somethimg they least expected happened.

"Always we search." A voice echoed through the woods revealing that someone else was in the woods. "That thing we all yearn for but is just out of reach." The pack of Grimm shifted to show a young girl walking towards them. She had long black hair that swayed behind her as she walked. A red kimono covered in pink cherry blossoms was her choice of wear. And on her hip sat a Japanese style katana.

"What's a little girl doing out in the middle of the woods?!" Axe-wielder grunted as several Grimm chose that moment to attack the group.

"Not sure." Their leader switched her ammo for ice Dust. Several frozen limbs convinced the Grimm to back off again. "But we're not the only ones curious." Sure enough the Alpha gave several commanding yips and a third of the pack turned to swarm the girl.

"She'll never stand a chance!" The swordsman turned to give chase but another call from the Alpha set a set of Grimm in his path. Frustrated he did the only thing he could. Called out a warning.

"Whether it be this life." The group of Grimm was nearly upon her. Excites by the thought of blood they leaped into the air. "Or a past life." The girl continued her speech seeming unaware her life was about to end. The swordsman turned his eyes away not wanting to see the bloodshed. Looking away he heard a gasp from his leader and curiosity got the better of him and he looked again. The Grimm were still in the air and the girl was miraculously walking through them as if time had stopped for all but her. She looked up a pleasant and yet deadly smile on her face. "Or the next." The Grimm suddenly fell to the ground in pieces, fire licking the remains to ash.

"What just happened?!" The man with the hammer sounded like the wind had been knocked out of him. "Is she a huntress?!" They all glanced at their leader who shook her head.

"I don't recognize her." They all new that all hunters and huntresses were required to be registered. If they didn't they were considered rogues. This girl was to young to have decided to live a hunted life.

A growl from the Alpha drew their attention back to the fight at hand. It seemed the Alpha had deemed the newcomer as a bigger threat as it led a larger part of the pack against her. The remainder of the pack rushed the group. While all this had happened the merchants had ran deeper into the woods. They were safe for the time being.

As the four fought the leader kept an eye on the girl. The first wave of Grimm had met the same fate. Whether leaping through the air or rushing on the ground they seemed frozen as their brethren fought around them. After the first wave had attacked the girl had pulled her blade out to defend herself. Its red blade revealed where the flames that burned the creatures came from. It was also after the first wave the the leader had been able to confirm her suspicions. She wasn't sure if she believed them, but the evidence was there.

With a smaller force to deal with the four made quick work of the Grimm. The girl also held her own well. Only needing assistance to dispatch the Alpha. She even helped round up the merchants and take out a few lone Grimm that had cornered some of them. The leader of the merchants was very grateful to her and even had the audacity to act as if she had been the sole savior. Though the hunters did have to admit they would have probably lost if she hadn't shown up.

"What is your name, dear girl?" The merchant asked the sword wielding heroine. "Is there anything I can do to repay you for your help?"

"My name is Iris." Iris bowed. "No repayment is necessary. You are not great enough to give me what I search for." The merchant was taken back by his abrupt turndown.

"Just Iris?" The huntress stepped forward. The girl turned away from the merchant and faced the woman who was taller than her by about a foot.

"For now it is just Iris." She gave a mischievous smile and turned away.

"Wait!" The swordsman suddenly stepped forward. "You dropped this." He held out an envelope that had an intricate design around the edges.

"Thank you." Iris bowed and took the envelope. Without saying another word she turned to go.

"Where are you headed?" The swordsman asked suddenly. "It's not really safe to be traveling alone out here. Maybe were headed the same way?" He asked hopefully. Now that he had the time to look he realized she was actually cute.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled. "A guiding light calls to me with the promise of what I search for. I must follow it's bright future." She continued walking away.

"Where's she going?" The swordsman scratched his head in confusion.

"She's going to Beacon Academy you idiot." His leader sighed as she turned to make their way to their destination. Which was in the opposite direction from where the girl was going.

"You figured out what she said?!" Astonishment very evident in his voice.

"No idiot." She turned and walked up to him. "That envelope you gave back to her was a letter of acceptance from Beacon." She flicked him in the forehead.

"It was?!" He asked in bewilderment. Shaking their heads in disbelief his teammates left him standing there. "Wait for me guys!" He quickly recovered and ran after them.

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So what do you guys think about Iris? Please let me know what you think.

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