A Lesson on History and Tactics

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Sorry for taking so long to get this chapter up. Hope you guys enjoy it. It's more of an information chapter than action. So any questions you got let me know? Seriously. I want to know your guys thoughts.


Rose, Iris, and Tigris along with all of the other first year students were quietly being ushered into a classroom half filled with seniors. As they entered there was scattered whispered conversations and laughing. But as soon as the seniors had noticed them the room filled with whispers.

What are they doing here?

How'd they get in this class? Isn't there a super long waiting list?

I had to wait months just to get in this class, how'd they all get in here?

The whispers all followed the same lines. Why and how were the first years in this class. All this just fueled the curiosity of the first years. They had no clue either why they were here instead of in their normal battle training class.

As if summoned by all the questions, Miss Goodwitch walked up to the podium from a side door. All the whispers died down as the attention was directed her way.

"Hello everyone," she began. "I am sure you all have many questions, both the seniors and the first year students. For those who don't know, today's class is an extremely difficult class to participate in. You could say the waiting list is as long as the student body list since it does consist of most of the students and even several of the faculty. If you would like answers you may ask them of the teacher as he has the right to pick and choose what students join his class."

She quickly cleared the front of the class and moved to a set of seats where several other teachers sat waiting. To take her place at the front walked in David. Well now the members of team DIRT knew what class he was teaching in now that the rumors were confirmed.

"Welcome. Anyone who has issues with the any of the students chosen to be present may leave the class." He quietly waited, eyes scanning the room for anyone who chose to leave. "For those who are new to this class, the time allotted for this class is longer than normal and so breaks are scheduled periodically. Are there any questions? If there are no further issues we will begin today's lesson."

Before he could continue his questions a hand shot up. It was Cardin's

"Aren't you a little young to be a teacher?" He looked at his teammates as he joked. None of them joined him. It seemed that after Jaune had taught them a lesson they weren't so confident in their leader's abilities or his actions.

"As I am sure Professor Oobleck has pointed out in many of his lessons you didn't pay attention in," David paused as several students chuckled at the obvious jab. "One should never turn away from knowledge no matter the source."

Professor Oobleck nodded furiously. "That is correct!"

"Today's lesson focuses on the tactics and historical skills of the people of Baract." David continued. "Historically speaking the lands of Baract have always been small. When compared with the with the Four Great Kingdoms it is not even half the size of the smallest one. And being located on a small peninsula on the northwestern continent surrounded by hazardous, Grimm infested mountains on three sides and the fourth being a valley leading to a Grimm infested sea as the only entrance. Despite all this it has never been absorbed by any of them or destroyed by the Grim. Does anyone know?"

A female senior student raised her hand and once given the signal to speak gave her answer. "Because Baract is considered one of the strongest people in the world."

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