Epilogue/Book 2

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Ozpin stared at David as he digested his request.

"You wish to reserve the testing grounds for yourself during this next break?"

David nodded. "I will be training Tigris in order for her to better utilize her semblance in combat."

"I myself have no problems with it. But General Ironwood wished for your assistance in interrogating the criminal behind the Grim attack."

"I would be happy to assist him upon my return," David responded. "My team needs to become stronger."

"Your certain they can handle the members sent from Baract?"

"As they are now, no." David shook his head. "But they will be."

Ozpin sighed. "So be it. You have my permission."

"Make sure everyone knows the testing grounds are off limits during this next break," he instructed Professor Glenda.

"I will be on my way then." David bowed before leaving.

"Why does it feel like that boy is interrogating us each time he comes here?" Glynda sighed.


"I have narrowed the presence of the maiden down to the center of Beacon but she seems to be held within an underground space," David spoke as he pulled a already active scroll out. On the screen a gruff looking man with similar features to his own looked back at him.

"And the woman who attacked the Maiden?"

"She seems to be hiding her presence. I suspect Raiden is assisting her."

"There isn't much I can do about him. He has paid the elders handsomely to turn a blind eye to his actions. I can only suggest to keep your guard up."

"Yes father."

"Everyone will be watching the competition closely. Make me proud."

"Yes father."


Iris stood on the side of the combat room as Isaac and Trent continued to carry mechanical crossbows into the room and mount them where she wanted them.

"Are you certain about this?" Guinevere  asked as she watched her team members.

Iris didn't answer her. "Tell me again how he attacked each of you."

Guinevere could only sigh as she went into the details once more. Once she was finished she watched Iris walk to the center of the room where a large X was placed. She took her stance and the crossbows immediately activated and laser sights suddenly filled the air around her. Each one lined up to pass over her skin barely. If Iris didn't dodge every single one perfectly she could be seriously injured.

As Guinevere spoke the crossbows began to fire slowly one after the other.

"Without Fi's warning we would have been wounded from the raining swords. They landed all around us leaving almost no escape routes to us." Her eyes turned distant as she mentally replayed the entire battle. "I still don't understand how she could warn us just in time to dodge the flurry of attacks, maybe she really can see the future. We for sure couldn't keep up with his movements. He was so fast it seemed almost like he was teleported around us. And as long as we were in reach of any of the swords he could attack us from any angle."

She sighed as the firing rate of the bows increased. Thin red lines were already beginning to show on Iris' arms and legs. It was obvious the girl wasn't paying attention to her. Guinevere looked at the crumbled letter she had given to her at the dance.

'Why did you have to egg her on?' She thought.

Sorry Little Eye. Not all heroes get RVNG. But it doesn't mean you can't at least be capable of it ;).

Even she felt like training after reading that. How could Iris, who loved Fionola, not work herself to death?

"Keep an eye on her and stop her when things get iffy," she instructed the boys. "I'm going to get every last scrap of info on this guy I can."

The two nodded resolutely. The silent rage in their eyes spoke volumes about their feelings on the matter.

If they had the chance in the future they would do everything in their power to make The Hundred Swordsman regret ever stealing Fionola from them.


Rose sat within the depths of the library trying to read a history book given to her by David. But try as much as she could she couldn't focus on it for two reasons.

The first reason was the conversation she had with David when he gave her the book. The book turned out to be a book from his home that he recalled reading at one time. It was a short history and description about the voice of reason. Short by his standards apparently, the thing was pretty thick.

"I will be training Tigris in controlling her semblance in combat. This is for you," he said as he handed her the thick book.

I read this once but forgot until recently about it. It should greatly help you with your semblance."

"Thanks," she said, taking the book. She noticed while the cover seemed ancient the pages actually looked brand new as if printed yesterday. "I'll be sure to read it."

"That is good. When the festival begins our team will be matched against powerful opponents. Everyone will need to improve their skills."

He suddenly smiled.

"Of everyone on the team your power is the one I am least concerned about."

"Me?" she asked incredulously

With Iris and her powerful semblance or Tigris and her monstrous strength, literally, he wasn't worried about her being strong enough?

"You underestimate yourself. Of everyone on the team yours is the power without limit." he turned to move towards Tigris who stood a ways away before stopping. "Your only as strong as you believe you are Rose."

And then he walked into the woods along side Tigris.

Thinking about everything she closed the book and looked at the elegantly written title.

The Voice of Reason

At first it had been an interesting read but then it started bogging down with all kids of theories and formulas that she couldn't wrap her head around. It was a little frustrating.

Then she looked over at the other reason why she couldn't focus on The Voice of Reason. It was a similarly large and ancient book. Only its pages were obviously old. She had found it on one of the deepest shelves covered in dust and abandoned.  While it called itself a history book it felt more like a fairy tale as she read it. It was far more interesting especially because it had to do with David's home.

In small intricate print the cover had only three words.

Lore of Baract


Hey all. With this DIRT is officially complete. This has been a fun story to write and i appreciate everyone that has been along for the journey. As I prepare the ground work for book 2 I will return to writing my other story The Devil's Grin and hope that if you enjoy my writing you'll check it out. In hoping to be able to start publishing book 2 in 2020 at a steady pace without interruptions.

On the side, anyone got predictions for what's going to happen in the next book? In hoping I can do RWBY justice since its such a great series. Loving season 6 so far. Proving some of my own theories right making my back stories even better than I expected so look forward to that.

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